Minutes of the 10-31-06 SCC Meeting of the CTGP, no quorum.

Place: Portland Senior Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT (a block east of Portland Public Library)

Phone: 860-342-6760 Time: 7: 50PM to 9PM

Facilitator: Michael Westerfield

Voting CTGP Attendees by chapter:
Central: Vic Lancia;
Fairfield: David Bedell & Richard Duffee;
Greater Hartford: Barbara Barry, Secretary of CTGP; Mike DeRosa, co-chairperson of CTGP; Christopher Reilly, Treasurer of CTGP;
New Haven: Ralph Ferrucci;
Northeast: Michael Westerfield and Jean deSmet: both Co-chairpersons of the CTGP.
Non-voting attendees: Marlene Bucharan, New Haven; Ken Krayeske: coordinator for Thornton for Governor.

A. Preliminaries:

1. Introductions of attendees and chapters. Recruit timekeeper: Vic Lancia.

2. Identify attendees who are NOT voting representatives.

3. Adopt ground rules.

4. Approval of tonight's proposed agenda; had no additions or proposals; deletions were: of 8-29-06,

9-26-06 SCC minutes and 9-11-06 and 10-17-06 EC meetings presentation and approval due to lack of quorum; chapter reports; GPUS updates; budget suggestions.

5. Treasurer's report by Christopher Reilly for 9-06 and 10-06: net income as of 10-31-06: $2849.40.

He cancelled the website link to donations due to expenses needed to maintain it (political gateway.com.) and will go to paypal.


1. Discussion about Cliff Thornton's campaign for governor by Ken Krayeske: have raised $16,535 from 6-06 through 10-31-06 with $5000 in the last 2weeks. My original goal was to raise $50,000.

Expenditures: A TV ad regarding Cliff's exclusion from the debates; had 2000 hits on website in 10-06 via 900 in 9-06.

Events: Cliff is at Willimantic country club; at 4pm was at Yale's School of Forestry; spoke in New Haven earlier today. Has a "Black is Green" PDF is to be used as a handout for CTGP.

Produced postcards for $700, some money from Cliff's campaign: these postcards are not dated so can be used after the election. I should be able to raise all the money needed for the campaign, about $20,000. If not, we will have a fundraiser after the election for any incurred debts of

Cliff. Goal remains: get at least 1% of the votes for governor to acquire ballot access for the governor position only. (Each office needs to get 1% of vote to acquire ballot access for each position.)

2. Discussion of CTGP other candidate events, fundraisers, phone banking and merchandise:

Ralph Ferrucci for U.S. Senate: will be on Fox 61 TV for a debate. Joseph Lieberman has declined to attend; suggest candidates call the radio stations;

Mike DeRosa for Secretary of the State: the only debate among the Secretary of State candidates will be this Thursday, 11-2-06 at 7PM at the Art Space on 555 Asylum Avenue, Hartford; will be on WTIC radio (1080AM) at 4:40PM on Wednesday, 11-1-06; Mike encourages every candidate to use lists of CTGP voters. CTGP is eligible to have paid pole watches so it is suggested that chapters decide if they want to utilize this eligibility or just have people leaflet the voters as they come to vote at voting places.

Richard Duffee former candidate for 4th Congressional Representative: he enjoyed the debates he was in; got on CSPAN; he got calls about his campaign from Ohio, Maryland and New Jersey; Pat Kane was his original campaign coordinator who suggested that Richard not run and helped find John Sica to be his

Treasurer. Updated treasury information about his campaign: not available but was much, much less than $5000 and will not exceed that amount.

3. Discussion about donations from CTGP PAC to candidates: contributed to the Thornton for Governor campaign: largest expenditure: $1000/weekly pay for coordinator: Ken Krayeske from 6-6-06 through 9-30-06; none to any other candidate due to lack of money in treasury.

4. Candidate debates and getting out the vote on election 11-7-06: see above.

5. Chapter reports: deleted due to campaigns.

6. U.S. Green Party report by CTGP representatives: Tim McKee and Charlie Pillsbury: deleted due to Lack of GPUS representatives.

7. Budget Committee suggestions: deleted due to discussion about campaigns and due to time.

8. V.O.T.E.R. update: ACLU lawsuit (Case NO. 3:06-CV-01030 (SRU) regarding 2005 CT "campaign finance reform" law: Mike DeRosa: Former Green Party member Thomas Sevigny has presented a Motion To Intervene In Opposition to the U.S. 2nd District Court on 10-11-06. This is a motion in support of the CT campaign finance law and in opposition to the CTGP position. This would allow Tom Sevigny to get all the discovered information about the lawsuit and to engage in discovery (of information). Whether or not the court will grant Tom Sevigny this status, is yet to be determined by the court. Tom was joined by: Andy Sauer of the Common Cause and Phil Sherwood of CT Citizen Action Group (CCAG). The anticipated court hearing is 12-18-06. NOTE: Rosa DeLaura, Democrat of U.S. Representatives from New Haven, introduced this very similar bill to Congress in 2006. However it did not make it the agenda via the Republican controlled Ways and Means Committee.

9. Articles are needed for "CT Green Times" newspaper: email Mike DeRosa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

10. National Security agency 8-30-06 response to CTGP freedom of information Request: deleted.