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The Sound Dollar:

a local currency for Fairfield County


Long Island Soundkeeper, Inc. has launched a local currency that can be used in Fairfield County to purchase goods and services from locally owned businesses. This initiative is part of our localization effort to increase local trade and commerce to reduce our dependence on imported oil and goods. By promoting locally produced goods and services and giving these businesses an edge in competition with regional and national "big box" retailers, we are increasing local resilience to the global problems associated with peak oil and climate change. We are also decreasing the amount of pollutants which enter the Sound through the storm water runoff of oil and sediment from our roads. Purchasing locally produced goods and services decreases our need for the transportation of goods across the country, thereby reducing oil consumption and the emission of damaging greenhouse gases.

With its beautiful design, the Sound Dollar is fun to use and an excellent tool for building community pride. We are working on building the list of businesses that will accept this dollar as legal tender. Please contact Jason at Soundkeeper for more information at (203) 854-5330 or by email at