What is a Constable? In Connecticut, a Constable has the same duties, within the boundaries of a town, as a State Marshal: serving legal papers to the people named in a lawsuit. (This role was also fulfilled by County Sheriffs until that office was abolished in 2000.)
A resident or taxpayer of New Canaan since 1998, David works as an English teacher and is also a Justice of the Peace. He is secretary of the Fairfield County Green Party chapter and serves as vice president of Teachers Against Prejudice. He is an avid bicyclist.
Contact: 581-3193, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Reliable and efficient process service throughout New Canaan:
- Writs
- Subpoenas
- Summons and Complaints
- Delinquent Child Support Payments - Four-season delivery by bicycle—clean, quiet, and unthreatening
- No firearms carried or needed
New Canaan needs to make its streets safer for all users, especially in the wake of recent accidents involving bicyclists and pedestrians. The Greenwich Bicycle Master Plan and the Norwalk Pedestrian & Bikeway Transportation Plan are potential models for New Canaan to follow. We should develop a Safe Routes to School program such as those in Greenwich and Norwalk.
- SWRPA Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning
- Connecticut Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board
- Bike Walk Connecticut
- Fairfield County Bike-Ped Alliance
- Merritt Parkway Trail Alliance
- RailTEC (Rail*Trains*Ecology*Cycling)
- Norwalk Roton School Safe Routes to School Plan
- Getabout transportation service
- New Canaan Advertiser: "Equal access for bicycles, pedestrians"
This campaign is dedicated to the memory of Louis Drucker. Drucker, the first Jewish settler of New Canaan in 1869, was elected town constable in 1884 and killed in the line of duty in 1888.
Approved by David Bedell
Paid for by the Green Party of Connecticut