Timothy R. BowlesOffice:
State Senator
CANDIDATE PROFILE: Timothy Bowles has an M.A. in Child Welfare from Saint Joseph College and a B.A. in English from Windham College, Vermont. He has worked as a social worker for the Department of Children and Families, and later as a planning analyst. He has also worked as a legislative liaison for the Office of Policy and Management in the Energy Division and as a Statewide Regional Planning Coordinator. He is currently on leave from the state and is an elected full time officer with A&R Local #4200. Tim has been a long-time labor activist, and is a vice-president with the Connecticut AFL-CIO. He has also been active in the environmental movement. Tim served as the Chair for the Connecticut Chapter of the Sierra Club, and is on the Board of Directors for the People's Action for Clean Energy. He was also appointed to the State Clean Energy Fund in 1999. Tim has served on the Preston Planning & Zoning Commission, and, up until recently, was Chair of the Preston Democratic Town Committee, from which he resigned to run for the State Senate as a Green Party candidate. The primary focus of his campaign will be on promoting a sustainable economy in Southeastern Connecticut. He is also an advocate for comprehensive land use planning to avoid sprawl, preserve open space, and create viable alternative transportation options. "
Changing the way we do business in politics - so you have
a voice." Our Other Candidates: Ralph
Nader -
President of The United States |