Green Party of Connecticut Executive Committee
Teleconference • Monday, February 18, 2019
In attendance: Mike DeRosa, Ronna Stuller (recorder), Chris Reilly, Cassandra Martineau. Guests: Margaret Flowers, Kevin Zeese, Rolf Maurer, Barbara Barry.
Start time (when quorum was established): 7:04pm
1. Mike suggested that stack manager and vibes watcher be determined ahead of time: David Bedell and Megan Cassano have volunteered for those roles, respectively. A timekeeper would also be helpful. Ronna expressed the opinion that the facilitator be empowered to make those decisions, and recommended that Mike moderate the February 27 SCC meeting. There was no vote, and Mike said he would consider the possibility.
2. Mike reported that Ajamu Baraka will be in New Haven on March 1, for an event sponsored by US Peace Council. Mike moved that GPCT co-sponsor the event, 2nd by Ronna. During discussion, Chris suggested that we send out a notice of the event and offer CT Greens the opportunity to share any concerns. Ronna will send out an email tomorrow, and, if there are no objections, notify event organizers that GPCT would like to be listed as co-sponsors.
3. There was a discussion about the bylaws amendment proposal. In particular, the means by which each chapter determines a 2/3 majority for approval was a cause for concern by some attendees. Discussion will be continued at a later time.
Ronna had to leave the meeting at 7:45. Discussion continued briefly afterwards. End time: 7:47, when quorum was no longer present.