Minutes from the emergency 6-19-06 SCC meeting, quorum met.
Place: Portland Public Library, 20 Freestone Avenue, Portland, CT phone: 860-342-6770 at 7PM
Facilitator: Michael Westerfield.
Voting attendees: Central Chapter: Vic Lancia, Fairfield Chapter: David Bedell, Richard Duffee; Greater Hartford Chapter: Mike DeRosa, a co-chairperson of CTGP, Cliff Thornton; Rob Pandolfo; Hamden chapter: Francis; New Haven: Alan Brisson and Ralph Ferruci; New London: Chris Nelson; Northeast chapter: Michael Westerfield, a co-chairperson of CTGP. Tolland: Tim McKee, CTGP representative to GPUS.
Non-voting attendee: Ken Krayeske, paid campaign coordinator; female from Hamden.
Purpose: a) potential hiring of state-wide petition coordinator, Ken Krayeske: from 6-2-06 through 8-9-06 is 8 weeks. 8-9-06 is the last day that petitions can be submitted. Cliff: pay for Ken Krayeske is $1000/week x 8 weeks; with the option to extend his contract, based on getting on the ballot, Cliff and the CTGP will reconsider after 8-9-06, the value of any possible extension of a paid campaign coordinator for the remainder of the campaign.
Ken Krayeske: have 3,064 gathered petitions i.e. a fifth of what we need to hand in based on 50% lost. 670 have been turned in. Will have phone banking every Wednesday and people can hand in petitions and get them notarized. My personal goal is to build local organizations out of the state-wide campaign, so that in 2007, we can have local organizations that will win local races. When petitions are notarized, they will be copied for our records. Ken's goals for various chapters: New Haven to gather 4,750 signatures; Greater Hartford: 2500; Fairfield: 3000 certified signatures are needed to get their own candidate on the ballot. Therefore, should be able to get 3000 for the state-wide candidates. New London: 1500; Hamden: 500; Tolland: 250, Northeast: 1000; Central: 1500. West/Northwest/Shoreline chapters are defunct. Has 7 out of the 10 key values on a postcard to use for communication/handouts (cost $.07/piece). Also have buttons. Cliff and I and Kaliff of New Haven (worked for David Cobb's campaign) have talked about potential paid petitioners, rate of pay: $1.00 per petition. If we do not have 5000 petitions by 7-8-06, then may need to consider paid petitioners. Ken would like to have all the petitions handed in by 8-1-06.
Cliff Thornton: suggests CTGP members write letters to the editor; the use of cocaine by the current Bridgeport, CT mayor has increased people contacting Cliff. Mike DeRosa: Black and Latino people in the Northend of Hartford and Dixwell Avenue in New Haven, know about Cliff and seem to tend to lean toward him. Francis from Hamden: have not had an active chapter for some months but goal might be achievable. Mike DeRosa: per treasurer: Chris Reilly: have paid all bills and as of today, have $14,600, but need to do fundraising and learn to be better fundraiser.
Cliff Thornton: potential fundraisers via his phone banking of Nader's supporters; a fundraiser in San Franciso and via music group in New York. Must get into the polls. To have an interview on Univision, Latino TV station. Tim McKee, campaign manager for Cliff Thornton: took in about $12,000 and presently have $2700.
Concencus: all agreed to the paid campaign coordinator contract; none against; no abstains. b) need to organize and get updates regarding the petition campaign for state-wide offices: see above.
c) Richard Duffee, potential 4th Congressional District candidate for CTGP: his website is: www.duffee.politicalgateway.com. Lists his issues which affect human life: nuclear disarmament; control of world economies by world banks; need to decrease energy consumption due to greenhouse effect; drug war and war on terrorism are both phony. CTGP can help Richard to get on the ballot and get speaking engagements. These things can be discussed at the Fairfield Chapter Nominating Convention on 7-11-06.
Mike DeRosa proposal: can publish a 4 page newpaper for $480 which can have all the candidates in it to disseminate candidate information, issues, and concerns. Concencus: Allow $500 of CTGP funds to be used to publish the CTGP Green Times within 4-5 weeks.
Note: Regular monthly SCC meeting will still be held on Tuesday, 6-27-06 at Portland Public Library at 7PM.