Minutes from the 6-12-06 CTGP EC meeting. Location: Greater Hartford Chapter’s office at 418-A New Britain Avenue, Hartford, CT. Time: 7PM.

Attendees: CTGP co-chairpersons: Jean deSmet, Michael DeRosa and Michael Westerfield, Treasurer: Christopher Reilly, Secretary: Barbara Barry. CTGP members: Tim McKee of Tolland Chapter and CTGP rep to GPUS; Maryann Davis of New Haven chapter; Cliff Thornton and Ken Krayeski

1. CTGP website: Michael Westerfield and Christopher Reilly, co-webmasters are working on the face page.

2. Ralph Ferrucci is no longer coordinator of CTGP petitions/campaign as the responsibilities are too time consuming for a candidate.

Cliff Thornton is proposing that Ken Krayeski become a paid CTGP petition campaign coordinator. Need petitions by 8-9-06.

Ken Krayeski: I am a life-long CT resident; Syracuse University graduate. I speak some Spanish. I’m a trained journalist who has written for various CT newspapers: Hartford Courante, Medro Bridge, Watertown papers; Founded Echos from the Streets; was 2004 Nader national youth coordinator; have connections to CT Naderites; drug policy reform people/groups.

My goal: to get the 17,000 signatures needed by 8-9-06: will use volunteers for 1 month. Then if not enough will consider paying experienced/effective people. Preferred salary: $4,000/month for about 2 months i.e. 9weeks until petitions need to be in.

Maryann Davis and Ken Krayeski: consensus: need to have CTGP copies of all the handed in petitions for monitoring.

EC consensus: a) agree to have Ken Krayeski as paid CTGP petition coordinator. His contract should more clearly state he is working for CTGP.

b) To have an emergency SCC meeting on 6-19-06: chapters are to review and vote on whether to hire Ken or not. Only SCC can authorize expenditure of this amount.

3. David Bedell needs to clarify who is on listservs and how to subscribe and unsubscribe.

4. CTGP 800 phone number: Mike DeRosa. Number has been changed to his cell phone number. This has been done to allow for quick response time. A phone in an office might not get to the contact fast enough. CTGP is not considering a phone for use in the Greater Hartford chapter’s office for use during the campaign.

5. Aaron Gustafson is website owner of the .com websites. Aaron Taborman is the website owner of the .org sites.

6. Tim McKee is in the process of getting the GPUS newspaper. Need to clarify that GPUS is contacting and/or sending information to in CTGP.

7. EC consensus: need position papers of around 150 words (or 50 to 500words) from each chapter for CT Green Times newspaper. Eric DeVos agreed to do layout for the newspaper.

8. Have about 3 to 4 thousand signatures on petitions.

9. Consensus: Betsy Raynor, (who writes op-ed pieces for the Hartford Courant) will be approached by Jean deSmet to be CTGP candidate for lt. governor.

10. Agenda for usual SCC meeting on 6-27-06: need the action items nearer top of agenda.

11. Consensus: Amy Vas Nunes’ proposal to be on 6-27-06 agenda regarding EC recognizes Amy as a full CTGP member. CTGP process: Conflict resolution committee makes suggestions to SCC for SCC to vote on. So this will be voted on by SCC as the conflict resolution committee has recommended this.

12. Potential expenditures for petition drive:

a) 15, 000 postcards (4’ x 9" in full color)………………………………$1149.00
b) 1,000 2.25 buttons………………………………………………………..300.00
c) 1, 000 bumper stickers (3" x 11.5")………………………………………390.00
d) 2,000 petition forms and copies …………………………………………..200.00
e) 100 green folders for petitioners: donated by Barbara Barry………………..free