Approved minutes of the SCC meeting of the CT Green Party on Wednesday, May 30th from 7:10pm to 9:215pm    Quorum was met.

Site: The Winchester Restaurant and Bar, 12 Selden St., Woodbridge, CT 06525, 203/387-2673;

CTGP attendees per chapter: Fairfield: David Bedell, CTGP treasurer, Hector Lopez, Richard Duffee; Greater Hartford: S. Michael DeRosa, co-chairperson of CTGP, Barbara Barry, secretary of CTGP, Jeffery Russell, William Glickman, Christopher Reilly; New Haven: Allan Brison, co-chairperson of CTGP.  Absent: Ronna Stuller, co-chairperson of CTGP or any CTGP member from the New London chapter.    No observers.             Facilitator: Barbara Barry

1. Unanimous vote: Review and approval of the 3-27-12 SCC (State Central Committee) meeting minutes.  And review and acceptance of the Emergency 4-1-12 EC (Executive Committee) meeting minutes. Both these minutes were reconstructed from unofficial notes by CTGP members: Barbara Barry and David Bedell due to resignation of CTGP secretary, Patricia Kane, on March 30, 2012.

2.Unanimous vote: Review and acceptance of minutes of the 5-16-12 EC meeting from the new secretary, Barbara Barry, elected at the 4-28-12 CTGP annual meeting.

3.Unanimous vote: Acceptance of the treasurer's report by David Bedell, treasurer: balance of $635.62. Unanimous approval to use $300 to acquire a CD of the 1.7 million CTThe Office of the Secretary of the State will only provide it in this form and will not break it down by political party registered voters. Christopher Reilly will acquire this CD and will provide the list of CTGP registered voters to the secretary: Barbara Barry and also to David Bedell.

Unanimous approval was given to SMD to get back to the CTGP SCC regarding if $50 is reasonable for the purchase of both a tape recorder and a microphone.  David Bedell so check to see if there is any appropriate equipment that may be donated to the CTGP.  The SCC in July 2011 authorized the CTGP Secretary, Patricia Kane, to purchase a tape recorder for two (2) purposes: a) enable the secretary to use the tape recorder to provide the most accurate minutes of EC and SCC meetings and b) allow CTGP members access to tape recordings if they so desire.

4.Official CTGP Internal Elections Committee results from the 4-28-12 CTGP Annual Meeting was provided by Christopher Reilly who chaired this committee. He also answered clarifying questions about the IRV process.

5.The GPUS allocates to the CTGP to have five (5) representatives to theThe following four (4) people were elected at our CTGP 4-28-12 Annual Meeting: Linda Thompson, S. Michael DeRosa, Jeff Russell and Tim McKee.  The top write-in candidate, Charlie Pillsbury has declined the position on an email of May 16, 2012. So the 2nd top write-in candidate, Allan Brison, has agreed to be our 5th representative to the GPUS.

6.Any proposals from chapters or a group of 5 CTGP members: none.

7.Unanimous vote:  election of ten (10) delegates and two (2) alternates) to the July 12 through 15th 2012 GPUS Presidential Convention in Baltimore, The CTGP member/delegates are: Timothy McKee, John Battista, Justine McCabe, S. Michael DeRosa, Barbara Barry, Linda Thompson, Jeffery Russell, Allan Brison, Richard Duffee and Hector Lopez. The CTGP member/alternate delegates are: David Bedell and William Glickman. The CTGP secretary has received an extension beyond the deadline of 11:30PM PACIFIC TIME on Wednesday, 5-30-12.The CTGP secretary will provide the GPUS Credential Committee with delegate/alternative information as soon as all information if provided to her. Required information includes: name, residential address, state, year of birth, phone (if available), fax (if available), and email If available), political party with which they are registered to vote in.

8.SelectionCTGP members to the national committees. We are allotted a maximum of 3 CTGP members to each committee.  The secretary will count the nominations and provide feedback at the next EC and SCC meetings.

Accreditation (AC): reviews any state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions.

Annual National Meeting (ANMC): working on the July 2012 GPUS Presidential Convention to be held in Baltimore..

Ballot Assess (BA): discussion of efforts and strategies of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access.

Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers and national committees.

Coordination Campaign (CCC): distribution of any GPUS money to Green Party candidates for public office.

Dispute Resolution (DRC): mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization.

Diversity (DC):  strategies and actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS.

Eco Action (EA): develop strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters.

Finance (FinCom): review and determine how to spend the money of the GPUS organization.

Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS operations.

Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website.

International Committee (IC):  develops and promotes GPUS positions regarding issues affecting the world.

Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines and acquires items for the GPUS.

Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases.

Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS.

Peace (GPAX): discusses and develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout the world.

Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with Green Party Ten Key Values.

Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC):  develop strategies to support any GPUS presidential candidate.

Steering (SC): the seven (7) co-chairpersons of the GPUS which promote GPUS actions and strategies.

Black Caucus.  Latino Caucus.  Women’s Caucus.  Temporary committee: Green Party Congressional Committee.

9. Discussed ways to maximize the success of our petitioning for the GPUS presidential candidate: need volunteers for petitioning: S. Michael DeRosa will continue to call CTGP voters to urge them to petition.  There were no volunteers to be chapter coordinators.  SMD, a member of the Ballot Access national  committee advised:  he is trying to coordinate efforts with: Jill Stein’s campaign and the GPUS about potential help with petitioning in CT. Barbara Barry agreed to collect all signed petitions through August 1, 2012 and take to the (SOTS) Office of CT Secretary of the State.  Any signed petitions collected after August 1st will be the responsibility of the petition holder to deliver to the SOTS or appropriate Town Clerk by the CT deadline of August 8th, 2012. Petitioning directions will be updated this weekend by David Bedell and S. Michael DeRosa for distribution to petitioners as soon as possible. William Glickman will contact Adam’s Mill Restaurant in Manchester regarding the possible     renting a room for a Jill Stein fundraising meal possibly in June.  Jill Stein literature can be downloaded from her website   

10.CTGP candidates for the November 6th, 2012 elections: Remy Chevalier for State Senate from Westport; Colin Bennett of Westbrook for the 2nd Congressional District;  David Bedell of New Canaan for State House; Rolf Maurer of Stamford for State House; Jeffery Russell for U.S. Senate; possibly: Melissa Schlag of Haddam for StateDonald Alexander of Torrington for State Senate. We are seeking CTGP candidates for positions where we have ballot access: CT 1st State Senate (Hartford-Wethersfield), Meriden, New Britain, Greenwich and also for U.S. Congressional Districts #1 and #3.    David Bedell has been in phone contact with Nicholas Payne of New Milford who had planned on again being a candidate for the State House.   However, Mr. Payne has advised David that he has withdrawn as a candidate for any office for this 2012 election cycle. Reason: the upcoming trial for the person who is alleged to have killed his only child, his daughter, in Boston, MA, four (4) years ago.  This event was why Nicholas Payne came to the CTGP because of our political position against capital punishment but for improved gun controls. He and his wife plan to return to her native Seychelles country after the trial ends.  This was covered earlier in May by multiple media sources.  Consensus: secretary to send a note to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Payne regarding our thoughts are with them at this difficult time and also to thank Nicholas for his work for the CTGP.

11.Discussion of political actions we will undertake in the near future e.g.Allan Brison(AB) is working with a group which opposes “corporate personhood” and proposes CTGP support an action being considered by this group: a constitutional convention for a U. S. constitutional   amendment to limit “corporate personhood”.  This group  met on Thursday evening, May 24, 2012 at the Carpenters’ Union Office in Wallingford, CT.  They includes: the Carpenters’ Union and some members of the Working Family Party. They decided to work toward  requesting a U.S. Constitutional Convention  to only address the opposition to “corporate personhood”. They declined the option of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  They have only been one Constitutional Convention in the entire history of the U.S. That convention brought about the change of voters directly electing U.S. senators.   The New Haven  Board of Alderman is to vote in tonight’s meeting about whether they will support a resolution in opposition to “corporate personhood”.   and b) Barbara Barry suggestion for support of a New Haven-Hartford-Springfield rail line. This coordinates with our CTGP and GPUS Platform support for public transportation.  Public hearings will be 6-7-12 at 7pm at Central CT State University in New Britain; 6-13-12 at 7pm at Asnuntuck Community College in Enfield and 6-14-12 at 7pm at North Haven High School.   BAB and SMD will develop a press release about CTGP support for this.

12.Events: see above.

13.Chapter reports:  none were provided.

14.Discussed potential fundraiser for CTGP by selling used books on CTGP’s website or sell at annual meeting.

Consensus:  CTGP members to clarify how to do either of the above and if CT State Elections Enforcement Committee (SEEC) regulations allow these actions.

15.CTGP website is functional.  David Bedell will contact the person responsible for the calendar to update it .

16.Selection of Wednesday, 6-27-12 to is the date of our next SCC meeting. Jeffery Russell will try to acquire the Glastonbury Public Library for this meeting potentially between 7pm and 9pm.

17.No other suggestions.