Minutes from the Tuesday, October 29, 2013 SCC meeting at 7PM at the Portland Senior Center.  GPCT attendees by chapter: Greater Hartford:  David Ionno, S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chairperson, GPCT treasurer: Christopher Reilly, Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary.  Allan Brison, GPCT co-chairperson from Hamden; Linda Thompson, GPCT co-chairperson from Norwich, John Lancz of Norwich and from Middletown: Mgla Cammilletti and Jenna Walden.   No other attendees.     Facilitator: Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary.

1.  Approved minutes of the: a) 9-24-13 SCC meeting; and b) accepted the minutes of the: 10-21-13 EC meeting and  c) accepted the written reports of the 9-29-13 GPCT Retreat from Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary and another emailed report from Rolf Maurer.  Consensus: both 9-29-13 reports will be placed on the GPCP website along with the minutes of the 9-24-13 SCC and the 10-21-13 EC meetings.                                                                                                                                                                                       2.  Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly$1085.48.  The 9-29-13 GPCT Retreat did raise funds to cover all but $43 of the expenses for this event.                                                                                                                                                  3.  Reports from our three (3) representatives to the GPUS:  Linda Thompson: the GPUS Steering Committee is discussion if national committees should allow volunteers to be on the national committees in addition to elected state member to national committees. The GPUS is concerned that volunteers may not bring the level of knowledge to the national committees. and committee policies, procedures and relationships. S. Michael DeRosa and LT advised they planned to vote “no” about a procedural change to the Platform Committee .  Tim McKee was absent.                                                                                                                           

4. NO: proposals/resolutions from chapters or from five CTGP Members or from the EC. However the following attendees presented the following:   A) David Ionno, from the (Hartford) Veterans for Peace group, requested the GPCT endorsement for this organization who will be marching in the Veterans’ Day Parade this weekend in Hartford, CT.  He also provided his Op-Ed piece in today’s Hartford Courant Consensus: approved.   B) Mgla Cammilletti, a high-school student, came to this SCC meeting to observe the actions of this third party. She also sought to learn more about the GPCT.  So attendees discussed our GPUS and GPCT history, activities, typical events, candidates, struggles with ballot access and 10 Key Values.  C) S. Michael DeRosa will speak to UCONN students this Friday at 6:30PM at the Storrs, CT campus about: alternatives to the dominant political parties.                                                                                                                 

5.  Review of the 9-29-13 GPCT Retreat at Killam’s Point Conference Center, Killian’s Point Rd., Branford, CT 06405. Vast majority of those attendees found it informative and useful. Consensus of attendees: Run GPCT 2014 candidates esp. for governor and prepare to petition for this office. Overall, attendees stated the work of a political party is to run candidates and raise issue/solutions at the municipal, state and federal levels.

6.  The Green Party of CT urges members to support the candidates for the November 5th, 2013 elections. Candidates are:                                                                                                                                                                                      * Fairfield County Green Party. For Stamford Board of Representatives: District 2: David Michel;  District 3: Joel Furst;  District 7: Zoe DeVito;  District 9: Cora Santaquida;  District 10: Clausel Berrouet; District 12: Rolf Maurer;  District 13: Nathan Cloutier;  District 20: Thaddeus (Ted) Hanser.  Stamford Board of Education: Richard Z. Duffee;  Stamford Constable: Fausto Molina.  Also:  Fairfield Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate: Daphne Dixon (& cross-endorsed by Democrats).( Fairfield Constable: Dan Delventhal did not qualify per the SEEC).   New Canaan Constable: David Bedell and Hector Lopez.  Redding Constable: Leif Smith.                                                                                                                       *The New London Green Party candidates: Ronna Stuller for New London City Council and Mirna Martinez (& cross-endorsed as a Republican) for New London Board of Education.                                                                                                                                    *Laurie Rogers for Columbia Board of Selectpersons.                                                  *BAB has previously forwarded the GPUS Campaign Coordinating Committee email which seeks GPCT candidates to request GPUS campaign endorsements and funding…if criteria is met.   

7.  Update about GPCT Mailing List Information: AB reaffirms he will develop mailing list. LT to put blank GPCT registration list on our GPCT listserv. 

8. Consensus: GPCT needs to do media releases regarding: A) federal government current shutdown and likelihood of it reoccurring in January 15, 2014 and may have to new deadline of 2-7-14 for the federal debt ceiling.  B) Organize with the NY Green Party and MA Green Party to address regional issues for 2014. to any actions taken by the CT legislature, our governor or the federal government and our actions. C) focus on closing the Millstone nuclear power plants in Waterford, CT. Need to discuss ways to make plant safer for the present and future and for job retraining at the plant; switch to clean energy (but not “clean”: nuclear, gas or Quebec hydroelectricity source).  Approach Sierra Club and P.A.C.E (People’s Action for Clean Energy)  D) No report about the 10-25-13 through 10-27-13 New England Regional Bioneer’s  (environmental) Conference in New Bedford, MA. 

9. Political actions to be taken in the near future: see above.

10. GPCT fundraising: possible late January 2014 fundraising event. SMD will seek to find a speaker then a date and site.   

11. A Waterford, CT  letter to GPCT and our desired response. A Waterford, CT GPCT member who is an Ithaca College student is seeking the GPCT endorsement of the January 2014 “Songs for Syria” event.  Consensus: BAB as GPCT secretary is to get back to this student to advise that since there is no recognized “Waterford Chapter” per GPCT bylaws, this student cannot state that a “Waterford, CT Chapter” endorses this event.  BAB will advise the student of what actions need to be done by Waterford GPCT members to form a chapter then petition the GPCT for recognition.

12. Await update of the GPCT Bylaws Committee from members:  Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaquida, Christopher Reilly, Linda Thompson, Barbara Barry, S. Michael DeRosa and Jeffry Larson.  

13. Reports from CTGP members to the (GPUS) National Committees.                                                                                                       Accreditation (AC): reviews: states who petition to join the GPUS; criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions.                                                                                                                                                                                                        Annual National Meeting (ANMC):  working on the 2014 GPUS Annual Meeting: absent: Tim McKeeand John Went.                                                                                                          Ballot Assess (BA): efforts/difficulties/strategies/successes of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access:  S. Michael DeRosa: GPUS wants SMD to help reestablish the GP in VT. Edward Schwing has not been known to participate in this committee.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Black Caucus:                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers and national committees: Amy Vas Nunes: absent.                                                                                                Coordination Campaign (CCC): distribution of GPUS money to Green Party public office candidates.                                                                                                              Dispute Resolution (DRC):  mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization.                                                                                                         Diversity (DC):  strategies and actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS: Linda Thompson: essentially is not functioning.                                                                                                                  Eco Action (EA): develop strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters.                                                                                                Finance (FinCom): review and determine how to spend the money of the GPUS organization.                                                                                                             Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS operations.                                                                                                                                                      Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website.                                                                                                    International Committee (IC): develops/promotes GPUS positions regarding world issues.  S. Michael DeRosa: no activity.  Justine McCabe and Hector Lopez were absent.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Latino Caucus:  Hector Lopez were absent.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): acquires items for the GPUS.  Rolf Maurer and Hector Lopez were absent.                                                                                                                       Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases.                                                                                                                                                              Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS: Linda Thompson: This committee now has its’ own bylaws. It is entertaining developing pamphlets for reach out to people and fundraise.                                                                                                                  Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout the world. S. Michael DeRosa: no activity.     Hector Lopez was absent.                                                                                                                                                                                               Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with Green Party Ten Key Values:  absent: Justine McCabe and Amy Vas Nunes.                                                                                                                                                                                            Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC):  develop strategies to support any GPUS presidential candidates. Timothy McKee was absent.                                                                                                                  Women’s Caucus:  Martha Kelly was absent.

14.   Chapter reports:  Greater Norwich Chapter: LT advised they have had 5 GPCT or more members attend more than three meetings.  This meets the criteria to be a chapter of the GPCT.  This chapter has interacted with: a) the NAACP in efforts to determine if both groups will work together on issues. (The local president attended the last chapter meeting.)   b) ACSME which has formed a union of nurses at Backus Hospital (in Norwich).  And c) with the Human Resources Director of Norwich Municipal Government about mutual areas of interest.   Chapter meets at  7PM on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the United Congregational Church at 87 Broadway, Norwich. Next meeting: November 12, 2013. Consensus: GPCT recognizes the Greater Norwich Chapter.   Meeting was running over typical time period.

15.   Selection of the next SCC meeting is Tuesday, November 19, 2013.  Reason: the last Tuesday i.e. 11.26.13  is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving Day holiday. Attendees deferred  when the SCC meeting will be after 11-19-13.  Reason: the last Tuesday in December is 12-31-13 i.e. New Year’s Eve and the fourth Tuesday in December is 12-24-13 i.e. Christmas Eve.

16.   No other suggestions.    

GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality.

Submitted by Barbara Barry, secretary of the Green Party of Connecticut