Accepted minutes of the Nov 14, 2016 GPCT EC telephonic meeting
at 6:30 PM. Minutes by David Bedell, GPCT Secretary
Attendees: co-chairs: Barbara Barry, S. Michael DeRosa; treasurer: Christopher Reilly; secretary: David Bedell. Absent: Emily Garfinkel.
Set agenda for SCC meeting as follows:
Proposed agenda for the Wednesday, Nov 16, 2016, SCC meeting
Starting time: 6:30
1. (10-15 minutes): Review and: a) approve minutes of the 10-27-16 State Central Committee (SCC) meeting and b) accept minutes of recent Executive Committee (EC) meetings.
2. (15 minutes): a) GPCT chapter reports: Fairfield County; Greater Hartford; New London, and Waterford--include election results; and b) written approved minutes to the GPCT secretary. Possible new or renewed chapters in Waterbury, Greater New Haven, and Northeast CT.
3. (5 minutes): Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly.
4. (5 minutes): Reports from our representatives to the GPUS National Committee: Mary Lawrence, Joshua Steele Kelly and S. Michael DeRosa.
OLD BUSINESS (if any, carried over from previous SCC agenda)
NEW BUSINESS (Any proposals from the GPCT: EC or chapter or five individual GPCT members)
5. (20 minutes): Debriefing on Jill Stein presidential campaign, ballot access and future strategies: Cora Santaguida and others
6. (20 minutes): Debriefing on US Senate, 1st CD, and 2nd CD, and state legislature campaigns; issues and strategies for the future
7. (20 minutes) Future focus: where do we go after the Trump/Republican victories?
8. (10 minutes): GPCT Media Committee and new communication technologies: Rolf Maurer and others
9. (10 minutes): GPCT Outreach Committee: reports from GPCT member liaisons with other CT organizations with similar values.
10. (5 minutes): Reports from GPCT representatives to any GPUS Standing Committees.
11. (5-15 minutes): Events of possible interest to the GPCT
12. Other suggestions?
13. Date of next SCC meetings: Thursday, December 8 and a solstice party?