Green Party Of Connecticut
Tim McKee, CT Green Party National Committee Person, cell (860) 860-778-1304 or (860)-643-2282
Scott Deshefy - 860-642-7066
Cliff Thornton, National Co-Chair and former Green Party Candidate for Governor (860) 657-8438
Hartford, CT - State Green Party Officials Have Announced That Former State Department Of Environmental Protection Scientist Scott Deshefy Will Speak On His Possible Run For Congress In The Second District On Tuesday, December 11 At 7 Pm At The South Windsor Public Library At 1550 Sullivan Avenue In South Windsor.
Deshefy said he will speak about his years as environmental scientist with the state, his past Norwich school board and college teaching experiences and what the Second Congressional District need to do to have "smart growth". He stressed that this will be a listening and dialog session before he makes up his final mind to run for the Congressional seat.
Tim McKee, National Committee person for the Green Party of Connecticut says "The retired State Environmental leader is an interesting choice for the Greens to run their first ever congressional race in the large Second Congressional District of eastern Connecticut, because he is a non professional politician who looks at things from a science perspective, not a 'how can I get reelected" point of view.
McKee explained that Deshefy is forming an "exploratory committee" to test the waters and raise money for the race before formally announcing his candidacy.
Newly elected Green Party National Co-Chair Cliff Thornton of Glastonbury, CT said "Scott Deshefy is just the kind of fresh new candidate that The Greens are looking for Congress. He has worked at Electric Boat in the ship yards, taught college and protected the health of the planet and the people of Connecticut. He has a great resume to run for Congress!"
Thornton, who ran for Governor under the Green Party banner added "With the recent election of my former Lt. Governor ticket mate, Jean Demit as First Select person of Windam, there is quite a bit of interest in the Greens in the state, so Deshefy will have a great opportunity as our first candidate for Congress in the Second District."
The meeting and speech is free and open to the public.
#End of Release#