Green Party of Connecticut

Thornton for Governor

Contact: Cliff Thornton, Green Party Candidate for Governor (860) 657-8438 or (860) 268-1294-Campaign cell

Sept. 18, 2006

Jean M. de Smet of Windham Adds Electoral Experience

HARTFORD, CT -- On the north steps of the Connecticut State Capitol on Monday, Sept. 18, Green Party gubernatorial candidate Cliff Thornton announced Jean M. de Smet of Windham as his running mate.

An electrician by trade, de Smet, 51, has run for First Selectman of Windham. She experienced some success in 2005, when she collected 28 percent of the vote, besting the Republican candidate.

"After a long and exhaustive search, we determined that Jean was the best person to represent the working people of the state of Connecticut," Thornton said. "I am confident that she will not only be a great candidate, but the best Lt. Governor the state has ever had."

Thornton's campaign has filed the appropriate paperwork with the Secretary of the State to place de Smet on the ballot.

The Lieutenant Governor must speak for the people, de Smet said.

"As Lieutenant Governor, I will represent the Voice of the People to the Governor," de Smet said. "Money plays too large a role in politics, as we all know. Corporations, lobbyists, legislators and wealthy contributors vie for the ear of the governor. The rest of us need a presence in the governor's office, and I will be that presence."

de Smet, who is co-chair of the Connecticut Green Party, said her number one priority would be closing the gap between rich and poor.

"I am a construction worker from the most economically depressed area of the state," de Smet said, noting that she also has a degree in English from the University of Connecticut. "I will work to bring economic equality to Connecticut by redirecting our priorities into job creation and revitalizing our cities. We can provide good jobs while simultaneously changing the direction of our state into a Green, sustainable future which cares for everyone."

For more information, contact campaign manager Ken Krayeske at 860-995-5842 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ken Krayeske
Campaign Director
Thornton for Governor
P.O. Box 1971
Manchester, CT 06045