Hartford County Green Party
Welcome to the website of the Hartford County Green Party. The Hartford County Green Party is a chapter of the Green Party of Connecticut and a member of the Green Party of the United States.
What's New
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Some History
- The Hartford County Green Party met on Thursday February 23, 2012 at the East Hartford library.
- The Hartford County Green Party held its 2010 convention on August 30, 2010 and nominated the following candidates for office:
- Ken Krayeske - Green Party Candidate for Congress in the 1st U.S. Congressional District (current incumbent: John Larson)
- Martha Kelly - Green Party Candidate for State Senate in the 1st Connecitcut Senatorial District (current incumbent: John Fonfara)
- Thanks to everyone who supported David Ionno in his run in the November 2007 municiple elections as the endorsed Green Party candidate for Hartford City Council. Visit David's candidate page at http://www.ctgreens.org/hartford/ionno2007.html to learn more about this impressive candidate.
- On March 30, 2007, Ralph Nader spoke at Real Art Ways for the Connecticut premiere of An Unreasonable Man. Click on the arrow to hear his talk and see clips of the movie.
Paid for by the Green Party of Connecticut
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