
(District 34 includes Wallingford, East Haven, and parts of North Haven and Durham--see map)

The first priority for the legislature must be to address our stagnant economy. A green jobs and green loan program will put people back to work insulating old buildings, retrofitting homes and schools with solar panels, and developing new industries for fuel cells, photovoltaics, wind turbines, biofuels, LED lighting, better batteries, and other clean energy technologies. As more people go back to work and earn a living wage, their spending will stimulate business and restore the state economy.


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  • 2016-present: Secretary, Green Party of CT
  • 2002-present: Secretary, Fairfield County chapter, CT Green Party
  • 2012-2013: Treasurer, Green Party of CT
  • 2009-2015: Justice of the Peace
  • 2001-present: Board member, Teachers Against Prejudice
  • 1990-2000, 2008-present: Taught English to international students
  • 2000-2007: Program director at a medical charity addressing global health
  • 1985-1990: Taught English in China
  • 1993: M.A. in English, University of Alabama
  • 1985: B.A. in linguistics, Swarthmore College
  • David has lived under a one-party system (China) and a two-party system (the USA). He hopes one day to live in a multiparty democracy.


  • Reform election laws to encourage new candidates with fresh ideas
  • Establish a Public State Bank for Connecticut (modeled on the Bank of North Dakota)
  • Implement educational standards that take into account local conditions and recognize students as individuals, not statistics. Equalize education funding by relying more on state revenues, less on local property taxes
  • Replace the Connecticut Health Exchange with a single payer plan to insure all state residents
  • Close Indian Point and Millstone nuclear plants; promote sustainable energy
  • Support mass transit and Smart Growth; contain sprawl and overbuilding
  • Enable all towns to implement Land Value Tax as an alternative to traditional property tax (currently permitted only in three CT towns)
  • End the Drug War that imprisons our youth and sparks gun violence

More issue positions


Think globally, act locally:


 Approved by David Bedell
Paid for by the Green Party of Connecticut