Donate to the Connecticut Green Party
The Green Party of Connecticut isn't a business-as-usual political party. The Green Party method is to work with the regular residents of Connecticut to improve their government, their communities, their economy and their environment. As a matter of principle, we DO NOT ACCEPT donations from corporate PACs or pro-corporate interests. Big business is part of our culture and embedded in our economic system. However, the Green Party does not believe that big business should exercise political powers that only the people have a legitimate claim over.
As a result, we have to operate on a smaller budget than the other corporate-dominated parties, so we need support from PEOPLE like YOU. We need your financial support so that we may continue to provide a true alternative to the status quo. So please join us in the fight for democracy, sane energy policy, a healthy environment, a fair budget for Connecticut and strong consumer protection.
Donate to the Connecticut Green Party
You can now donate online with a debit or credit card. You may donate either:
To our federal account (to support candidates for President, U.S. Senate, or U.S. House), or
To our state account (to support candidates for state and local office as well as other party activities).
Or you can send a personal check and some basic personal information* to
Green Party of Connecticut
PO BOX 330922
Hartford, CT 06133
Make checks payable to: "Green Party of Connecticut" (with "Federal" or "State" in the memo).
We encourage you to use this mail-in DONATION FORM.
*Help us comply with Connecticut election laws. Please provide your:
- full name,
- regular mailing address,
- occupation,
- name of your employer.
Contributions to the Green Party of Connecticut are NOT tax deductible.