Green Party of Connecticut
August 22, 2018 • Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Ave, Portland, CT
Special Nominating Meeting
In attendance: Barbara Barry, David Bedell, Mike DeRosa, Cassandra Martineau, Bob Stuller, Ronna Stuller
Start time 7:24pm.
No candidates attended to request nomination to run for any office in 2018.
Potential candidates for districts where the Green Party holds the ballot line were discussed. The following regional conventions have been scheduled where additional candidates can be endorsed: Fairfield County chapter on August 25, Hartford County chapter on August 28, and New London town committee on September 2.
Matthew Went, who ran in 2014 and 2016 for CT Assembly district 84 (Meriden), was not available for the meeting and could not be reached by phone prior to it. He was endorsed by consensus to run on our line again in 2018, pending his consent to be nominated. David will continue to try to contact him for a response.
End time: 8:21pm.
Approved on September 26, 2018.
Addendum submitted by Mike DeRosa on October 10, 2018 (slightly edited for clarity-RS):
Following adjournment of the GPCT special meeting/convention of 8/22/2018, at the Portland Senior Center, Barbara Barry, David Bedell, Mike DeRosa, and Bob Stuller remained to discuss the pros and cons of cross endorsement. This discussion was started by David Bedell and continued for around 35 minutes. The discussion centered about the recent endorsement of Baird Welch-Collins by the Waterford Chapter of GPCT. Baird is a registered Democrat and was endorsed by the Waterford chapter to run on the 38th legislative Green Party line for the Nov. 6, 2018 election while retaining his endorsement of the Democratic party to run on their line for the Nov. 6, 2018 election. No vote or decision was made by the people attending this informal discussion about these matters.