Green Party of Connecticut
Executive Committee meeting minutes 
Saturday, November 10, 2018 • Conference call
In attendance: Mike DeRosa, Joshua Kelly, Ronna Stuller (recorder), Cassandra Martineau (left call at 7:12pm)
Start time: 7:05pm
1. We discussed strategies for increasing the efficiency and and improving the tone of SCC meetings. Joshua volunteered to moderate the November 14 meeting, and David Bedell was suggested for role of vibes watcher. Ronna will bring giant post-it paper to help with documenting “parking lot” items and tracking the stack. 
2. Election Day results were discussed. Some ballot lines were lost and some retained; Peter Goselin has apparently received over 15,000 votes and 1% in his Attorney General run, which allows us to keep statewide ballot access and cross-endorsement rights equal to those of Working Families and Independent parties. There are several election-related issues to pursue this legislative session: ballot access rules, ranked choice voting, and proportional representation.
3. The link between party building and fundraising was acknowledged; for the November meeting, Peter Goselin has requested a spot on the agenda to bring proposals for future action.
End time: 7:43pm