Green Party of Connecticut Executive Committee

Teleconference • Wednesday, March 20, 2019

In attendance: Mike DeRosa, Ronna Stuller, Chris Reilly, Cassandra Martineau Guests: Barbara Barry, Cheryl Curtiss, Richard Duffee, Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaguida

Start time: 7:04pm

1. The agenda for the March 27 SCC meeting was review, and changes suggested. Ronna will incorporate the suggestions and send out a draft to other EC members for review before distributing them tomorrow evening.

2. Tentative plans for the annual meeting were discussed.

Date: Mike will check availability of the Portland Center during weekends in May, and a final date will be determined at the SCC meeting. May 11, May 18, and May 25 were suggested as possibilities.

Program: In the past we have had speakers as well as workshop sessions; specific workshop ideas (and volunteers to arrange them) will be discussed at the SCC meeting.

Mailing: Doug Lary has downloaded the database from Connvoters; in the past, Chris,

Doug, David, and Ronna have worked on the list, and it always comes together. Chris has information about last year’s mailers that were returned to sender as well as names of all who voted. Ronna will share updated New London list (based on personal knowledge of members) and suggests that all the chapters do the same. It was clarified that all candidates for internal office will have access to the mailing list upon request.

Finances: We are in urgent need of funds to pay for the mailing! Included on the SCC meeting agenda will be a suggestion that members bring their checkbooks to the meeting to donate towards the annual mailing.

End time: 7:38pm