In attendance: Fairfield County: Megan Cassano, Richard Duffee, Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaguida; Hartford County: Barbara Barry, Bill Glickman, Paul Gobell, Mike DeRosa (GPCT Co-Chair), Martha Kelly, Chris Reilly (GPCT Treasurer), Jeff Russell, Mary Sanders; New London: Frida Berrigan, Mirna Martínez, Bud McAllister, Margarita Mogollón, Bob Stuller, Ronna Stuller (GPCT Secretary, recorder), Kris Wraight; Shoreline: Eric Bergman, Hugh Birdsall, Owen Charles, Lynne Charles, David Younng; Waterford: Carl D’Amato, Carin Estey, Joshua Kelly (GPCT Co-Chair, facilitator); Windham: Cassandra Martineau (GPCT Co-Chair); At Large: Cheryl Curtiss, Peter Davenport, Dustin Fiore, Patricia Kane, Steve Krevisky, Tim McKee, Amy Vas Nunes, Eugene Woloszyn, Susan Ye. Guest: Nick Gauthier
Quorum was met.
Joshua read the Decorum Policy; meeting was called to order at 7:07pm.
Megan was approved as vibes manager, with no one opposed, 5 abstentions.
Cass was approved as timekeeper, with 1 opposed, no abstentions.
Joshua explained his procedure for maintaining the speakers list. A motion to appoint a stack manager separate from the meeting facilitator failed, 15 in favor, 16 opposed, 3 abstentions.
Attendees introduced themselves.
1. Minutes of the November SCC meeting: Owen moved to approve as presented, 2nd by Pat; passed 16–1, 16 abstentions. Note: not every member present participated in the vote.
Minutes of the January EC teleconference: Lynn moved to accept for the record, 2nd by Pat; passed 15–8, 10 abstentions. Note: not every member participated in the vote.
2. Treasurer’s Report: State account: Nov beginning balance $328.47, $141.91 spent (contributions to Mike DeRosa and Peter Goselin’s campaigns, phone and bank fees), end balance $186.56; Dec expenses $16.79 (phone and bank), end balance $169.77 Federal account Nov beginning balance $774.12, $10 spent (Contribution to Jeff Russell’s campaign, bank fee), end balance is $464.12; December expenses $10 (bank fee), end balance $454.12. Mike moved to accept report, 2nd by Amy; passed 32–0, 2 abstentions.
3. Old business (items from last meeting parking lot):
a. Review of Decorum Policy re: ethnic slurs and other personal attacks.
There was a lengthy ds iscussion related to an incident that occurred at the September meeting in which a racial slur was used, which included observations on the general tone of SCC meetings, respect for individuals with disabilities, utilization of triggers, how to create a safer space, as well as a call to censure
the individual who made the slur. Eugene called the the question, 2nd by Paul, approved 15-10, 9 abstentions. Motion to censure Colin Souney passed 20–7,
6 abstentions; he will be notified of the decision as well as his right to appeal and his ability to continue to attend meetings.
b. NLGP proposal re: Dissolution of Dispute Resolution Committee
Background was presented on the original complaint presented to the DRC, and the proposal to dissolve the committee was read. Kris made a motion to act on the resolution and dissolve the DRC, 2nd by Pat. Following a lengthy discussion, Cass moved to call the question, 2nd by Kris; passed 23–9, 1 abstention. Vote on main motion to dissolve DRC: Failed 13–16, 5 abstentions.
c. There was a brief discussion on the legal status, rights/responsibilities of Chapters and Town Committees within the state party and the CT SOTS and SEEC. No motions were made or votes taken. The general consensus was to place on the “parking lot” for further discussion at the next meeting.
4. New business
a. Proposed bylaws revision: Joshua read the current procedure for amending bylaws and suggested that each chapter share responses from their local discussions about the proposals. There was a lengthy discussion on what are the criteria for 2/3 votes and other issues related to the amendment process. Cheryl moved to table the discussion and continue at the next meeting, 2nd by Mike; passed 18–15, 1 abstention.
b. Request by Jewish Voice for Peace to support HR4391, Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act; passed 29–2, 1 abstention.
5. The February meeting date will be determined by a Doodle poll. Late in month is preferred.
Mirna moved to adjourn; passed by consensus. End time 9:14pm. Following adjournment, members were given the opportunity to support the Mirna for 39th campaign.
Note: If you have serious disagreements with the accuracy of anything written in these minutes, please contact secretary Ronna Stuller at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 860-772-8439. If your e-mail or letter is titled “I remember things happened differently” or “I remember that this also occurred”, I will treat your correspondence (or a summary of it) as an addendum to these minutes. Such communications must be received within 2 weeks of the date of approval to be considered as an addendum. – RS