Green Party of Connecticut State Central Committee Meeting
March 27, 2019
Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Ave, Portland, CT

In attendance: Fairfield County: David Bedell (stacker), Megan Callaghan (vibes), Richard Duffee, Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaguida; Hartford County: Barbara Barry, Paul Gobell, Mike DeRosa (GPCT Co-Chair, facilitator), Martha Kelly, Tom McCormick, Chris Reilly (GPCT Treasurer), Mary Sanders; New London: Bob Stuller, Ronna Stuller (GPCT Secretary, recorder) Shoreline: not represented; Waterford: not represented; Windham: Amy Vas Nunes, Susan Ye (both arrived at 7:28pm). At Large: Dustin Fiore, Vic Lancia, Tim McKee, Eugene Woloszyn (timekeeper). 

Due to lack of quorum at the outset of the meeting, attendees deferred official business and engaged in discuss a discussion of plans for the May 18 Annual Meeting. Ronna passed around a draft ballot and Annual Meeting agenda and and asked for input related to the schedule of events and program ideas. Potential candidates were invited to sign up prior to the 9pm deadline.

Quorum was met at 7:28pm.

1. Treasurer’s Report: State account: Starting balance on January 1 was $169.77. Contributions totaled $145.00, expenditures totaled 127.62 (fees for phone, bank, and post office); ending balance was $187.15. Federal account start balance $454.12; $20 spent (bank fees); ending balance $434.12. As the upcoming mailing is anticipated to cost ~$1400, there was discussion of fundraising – including an appeal for contributions and a speaker event. Saving on bank fees by moving our accounts to a credit union was also proposed.

2. Annual Meeting and Election planning, continued

a. Barbara moved that 2 subcommittees be formed: one to work on the agenda and one to create the ballot. During the discussion it was suggested that the committees have representatives across all the chapters, and that email, phone, and text be used for optimal accessibility. While the motion was not voted on, it was agreed to call for volunteers, and a sign-up sheet was passed around.

b. Mike moved that a ballot committee shall determine how ballots are sent or brought to the meeting, 2nd by Paul. Chris outlined the procedures that have worked well in the past. Motion passed 14-3, with 2 abstentions.

3. New business

a. Appointment to GPUS Banking and Monetary Reform Committee: Eugene explained that he has been participating in committee communications and would like to be formally appointed so that there will be enough members for the committee to achieve recognition.   Barbara made a motion to appoint Eugene to the Banking and Monetary Reform Committee, 2nd by Mary; passed 17-0, with 3 abstentions.

4. At 9:00pm, the final candidate list was announced: 

Co-chairs – Michelle Bicking, Owen Charles, Cheryl Curtiss, Mike DeRosa, Dustin Fiore, Peter Goselin

Secretary – Barbara Barry, Ronna Stuller

Treasurer – David Bedell, Bob Stuller

GPUS Representatives – Owen Charles, Mike DeRosa, Richard Duffee, Rolf Maurer, Tim McKee

5. Barbara moved to adjourn, 2nd by Ronna; adjourned at 9:23pm.

Approved on November 13, 2019.