Minutes of the 6-26-07 SCC meeting of the Green Party of CT. Quorum was met.
Place: Middletown Russell Public Library; Reading Room #3; 123 Broad Street, Middletown, CT 06457
Time: 7:10PM to 8:30 PM.
Attendees by chapter:
Central: Vic Lancia;
Greater Hartford: Barbara Barry, Secretary of GP of CT; S. Michael DeRosa, Co-chairperson of the GP of CT; Christopher Reilly, Treasurer of the GP of CT;
New Haven: Jerry Martin;
New London: Ronna Stuller and Pete de la Rosa;
Northeast: Jean deSmet, Co-chairperson of GP of CT.
Cliff Thornton, Co-chairperson of GP of CT.
Late attendees from Fairfield Chapter: David Bedell and Paul Bassler.
Facilitator: Barbara Barry
A. Preliminaries:
1. Introductions of voting and non-voting attendees; chapters; if quorum was met; timekeeper; ground rules.
2. Approval of the proposed agenda, without deletions or additions.
3. Review and approval of minutes of 5-29-07 SCC meeting.
4. Review and acceptance of minutes from the 6-19-07 EC meeting.
5. Treasurer’s 6-26-07 report by Christopher Reilly. He is trying to terminate the electronic service company of Global Payments (which charges $25/month and a percentage of every electronic donation). Then he will start to utilize, on a trial basis, the services of Steve Fournier who charges 5% commission for each electronic donation without a monthly fee. Another option was to use the GPUS. It was declined by Chris because it charges 40% commission for each electronic donation.
B. Any proposals/referendums by chapters, committee or members.
* EC Proposal for fundraiser position: Feedback from chapters and members about the job description included: a) from JdS: fundraiser could also do outreach; b) SMD: update our various lists with different categories: zip code, town, members; c) JM: fundraiser should not be an organizer but should clean up the various lists; GP of CT needs to provide the fundraiser with a script (requesting donation, areas of interest and email addresses in addition to home address) and provide a form to be completed by the fundraiser regarding post-call feedback. PdlR: advertise for the job via: GP of CT website and chapters; Monster.com and other typical job search places but need to clarify job objectives. RS: doing fundraising and organizing together is difficult. Consensus: EC to write the job description; commission would vary depending upon the strength of skills and experience one brought to the job. Commission could vary from 10% to 25%. SCC will critique the description at 7-31-07 SCC meeting.
C. Reports:
1. GPUS: selection of delegates to the 7-12-07 GPUS Convention in Reading, PA. Neither of our CTGP representatives, Tim McKee nor Charlie Pillsbury was present. BB: Charlie provided e-mail to this GP of CT Secretary that no additional delegates have been authorized by the GPUS in addition to the GPUS representatives from each state. So we do not need to select any other delegates.
2. CT Green Times: SMD: need more articles; to be availability at 7-31-07 SCC meeting, distribution via chapters and various drop off boxes by Albert Marceau. It will not be mailed due to the expense.
3. Political issues the GP of CT has addressed with legislators during the 2007 Legislative Session: a) medical marijuana: CT: has been defeated. For the 2008 legislative session, we will work for marijuana to be legalized; b) Fight the Hike: SMD: people are still working on this issue; c) immigration : PdlR: rights are proposed for legislative action; registration cards were given out in New Haven and the next day the U. S. Dept. of Immigration did organized raids on immigrants; d) universal health care :JM: wants copies of the various proposals for this that are available. BB will provide what she has to JM. JdS: the Green Party of CT is the only political arm for the coalitions we are in (and not in) regarding universal health care. This should be pointed out in brochures. PdlR: we should support the candidates who support universal health care. We can also stand outside of movie theaters when the movie “Sicko” premiers or is shown and request signatures of support for universal health care. Consider publishing these signatures.
4. ACLU lawsuit against the 2005 CT campaign finance “reform” law by plaintiffs: Green Party of CT and S. Michael DeRosa along with Libertarian Party, 2 lobbyists against State of CT, CCAG, Common Cause and Thomas Sevigny (former Green Party member of: Northwest chapter of GP of CT, CT and GPUS) and represented by the Brennan Center for Justice. SMD: on 6-6-07, Judge Underwood of the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, heard arguments presented by the defendants for summary judgment (i.e. dismissal of the lawsuit). He advised he will make a decision but did not state when. The Brennan Center was founded by the late U.S. Supreme Court Judge Brennan. The ACLU has a new law firm taking our case: the Murtha Law Firm of Hartford and New Haven.
5. Chapter reports.
a) Central: VL: will have a meeting on 8-7-07 at 7PM at The Buttonwood Tree, 605 Main Street, Middletown, CT.
b) Northeast: JdS: I am running for 1st Selectperson (i.e. mayor) of Willimantic, CT. I am thinking of joining the coalition in the Windham Party made up of members of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, since they have a lock on (campaign) finance and run within their own parties. However, I am just now getting feedback that these Democratic and Republican candidates may be withdrawing from participation in the Windham Party.
c) New London: RS: is seeking to run 2 Green Party members for New London City Council and also for the Board of Education. Will be having a 7-27-07 tag sale for fundraising at Ken Hanson’s house. Our cable TV show is on hiatus for the summer.
d) Greater Hartford: SMD: David Ionno is running for Hartford City Council. Other city council candidates are also being sought.
e) New Haven: JM: we will be having a meeting at the Library Community Room at 6PM to 8PM.
f) Fairfield: DB: working to form an impeachment committee at Western State Community College; on 7-10-07, the movie “Unreasonable Man” about Ralph Nader will be shown in Bridgeport.
6. Green Party Key Value: non-violence.
7. Date, place and time of next EC meeting in 7-07: to be determined.
8. Date, place and time for next SCC meeting 7-31-07: to be determined.