Minutes from the 3-14-07 EC meeting at 8pm at Pazzo's Italian Cafe
Location: 60 Hebron Avenue,Glastonbury, CT 06033; Time: 8PM to 9PM. Phone: 860-657-3447
Attendees: Co-chairpersons: Jean DeSmet, Michael DeRosa, Michael Westerfield, Treasurer:
Christopher Reilly; Secretary: Barbara Barry. GPUS representative: Tim McKee
1. CT Green Times newspaper/Internal Elections Committee status: MD: Eric DeVos got the part for the printer and it is functional;
Estimated date it will be going to publisher and availability for distribution via Albert Marceau is 3-17-07 or 3-21-07.
3-21-07 is a month prior to the 4-21-07 convention.
CR: we may wish to consider doing ballots by the U.S. Post Office. Cost of paper and postage for 2500 pieces is Around $1473.
Consensus was to mail the ballot by use of the U.S. Post Office. Newspaper may be mailed to people on our updated mailing list.
CR willing to update this state wide list.
2. 4-21-07 Convention Committee: it was suggested that the GP of CT have a panel or open forum discussion about what was
Learned from our historic 2006 GP of CT state-wide slate and how it may apply to future campaigns. BB agrees to convey.
3. Treasurer's updates from for 2-07 from Christopher Reilly: have about $3200 in assets and an equal amount in liabilities
inclusive of chapter set asides; need some of that for mailing ballots for 4-21-07 Convention.
JdS: the money that I gave from my Lt. Governor campaign to the GP of CT was intended to go to the campaign if Cliff Thornton,
who ran for governor and reportedly still has campaign debts. CR: I will transfer the amount you gave (over $700) to his campaign.
4. Bylaws committee revised proposal: chapters and the bylaw committee are still changing wording so it appears less likely that any bylaw changes can be ready for the 4-21-07 convention.