Minutes from 5-8-06 EC meeting of CTGP in Willimantic, CT
Main Street Cafi (also known as Willimantic Brewing Company)
967 Main Street, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-6777

Attending: Co-chairpersons: Jean deSmet, Michael DeRosa, Michael Westerfield; Treasurer: Christopher Reilly and Secretary: Barbara Barry. Observer:

1. CTGP Website: Aaron Gustafson has been webmaster for 3years. However, the website is very outdated. e.g. has only one SCC minutes on it for past 2.5years, has names of candidates that have dropped out; has not updated any state-wide candidates. Michael Westerfield to contact Aaron re: sub-optimal performance as webmaster. Both Michael Westerfield and Christopher Reilly are willing to be co-webmasters. Need to redesign and update the website; get it prepared for use for our state-wide candidates.

2. Chris Reilly has paid for the renewal of the ctgreen.org and ctgreen.com sites. However, we need to clarify the need, most effective use of both sites. Eric Talacoman is associated with both sites?

3. Need to find out from SCC and David Bedell about the various listservs:

a) which listservers are being used? which are not being used?

b) who wants off of the listserves? Who wants to get on the listserves?

c) clarify who is to monitor the listserve activities?

4. Need to stop the 800# for the CTGP as the phone company is in bankruptcy; Mike DeRosa to try to clarify which other phone companies might be useful for our purposes; need to get new 800 phone number for the new phone company.

5. contact for the national newspaper need to be changed from Tom Seviigny to Tim McKee, GPUS representative, if he so agrees.

6. Does CTGP representative(s) want to met with Joe Cortney a progressive Democrate running in the 2nd Congressional Distrist? The Willimantic and New London chapters of CTGP may wish to deside if: They want to met with him &/or pass out his literature?

7. Need to determine what constitutes a quorum at SCC meeting.

8. Need people to develop/update CTGP position papers on issues/concerns e.g. Property taxes, school taxes; eminent domain; 85% ethanol; etc.

9. Christopher Reilly: prior treasurer did not authorize any money expenditure for the 4-22-06 CTGP Convention which had to occur, per our bylaws, to elect new CTGP internal officers. Therefore, Chris will return the contributions. CTGP currently only has one open checking account and it is free.

10. any interest/need for an at-large CTGP member/chapter?

11. What is a chapter? Proposal from EC: every chapter must name a representative to the SCC.