CT Green Party State Central Committee Meeting
28 May 2002
Attending (voting representatives listed by chapter): Vincent Maruffi - CC, Tom Ethier - NW, Justine McCabe - WC, Vittorio Lancia - CC, Christopher Reilly - HC, Bruce Crowder - NH, Karin Norton - TC, Scott Tomford, Tom Sevigny - NW, Penny Teal - SE, Peter Magistri, Barbara Barry-de Rosa - HC, Mike de Rosa - HC, Allan Brison - NH, Jason Kafoury, Ralph Ferrucci - NH, Brian Love - NFA, Max Wentworth, Michael Westerfield - NE, Chris Demorit, Amy vas Nunes - NE, Susan Ye - NE, Clifford Glasberg - NE, Pete Ellner - NH, Neville Wardle, Kamillah Fairchild, John Magnesi - NH, Cindy Davis, Brooks Kelly - NW, Albert Marceau.
Financial report
The CTGP has $945 in its account at present.
Items for chapters to discuss
~Democracy Rising (to be held on 30 June) needs volunteers; please call Jason Kafoury or Ralph Ferrucci at (203)562-5000, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
~The Voting Procedures Committee needs at least 7 people (preferably more), all from different chapters, to volunteer to count votes after the CTGP annual election. Please send names to the state meeting with chapter rep's or contact Chris Reilly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Penny at (860)536-4980 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
~The CTGP needs a volunteer to be responsible for maintaining the national web site's election information page (this person could also keep the same information posted on the CTGP page, most likely). Please contact Penny at the above number.
~The GP-US convention will be held in Philadelphia from 18-21 July. On Sat., 20 July there will be a Campaign School, for which presenters are needed. Please contact Penny (see above).
~Justine McCabe is willing to visit any interested chapter, to provide background information on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, to help with defining CTGP policy regarding that issue.
~Position papers on Sustainable Development and Living Wages were passed out to each chapter to review if they want, and to give them an idea of the issues being discussed in current campaigns for state office. Any chapter wishing to help formulate CTGP policy on these issues can send input to Penny (see above).
Business, Old and New
A motion was made by the Southeast Chapter to revisit the April decision to have Chris Reilly facilitate the meeting, as being inconsistent with an earlier vote at the April meeting not to rotate facilitators. The motion was amended by Pete Ellner to read "The Steering Committee shall be responsible for providing or assigning facilitation for state meetings from this meeting forward." The motion passed 13-6.
A motion was made by Karin Norton to accept the listserver rules and etiquette guidelines discussed in previous meetings. The NE chapter offered some emendations; a final set of listserver rules was adopted by a vote of 17-2-1. These will be posted on the listserver and circulated to chapters.
Karin Norton volunteered to join the Voting Procedures Committee.
Amy vas Nunes moved to remove all written record of the discussion of the final hour of the Feb. '02 state meeting from the CTGP website and archives. The motion failed 7-10-3.
Karin Norton moved that we skip agenda items 6 and 7 ("What constitutes a steering committee meeting?" and "Mediation," and that these not be given agenda space again, having already been voted on in recent state meetings. The motion passed 15-3-2.
The next state meeting will be held on Tues., 25 June, probably at the Portland Library.
*guide to chapter abbreviations:
NE - Northeast
NW - Northwest
HC - Hartford
CC - Central CT
TC - Tolland
SE - Southeast
NH - New Haven
NFA - Norwich Free Academy
WC - Western