CT Green Party State Central Committee Meeting
30 April 2002

Attending (voting representatives listed by chapter): Jason Turner, Tom Sevigny (NW), John Battista (Western), Justine McCabe (Western), Peter Magistri, Mike de Rosa (Hartford), Chris Nelson (SE), Chris Reilly, Karin Lee Norton (Tolland), Penny Teal (Stonington), Ana Lachelier and Buddy (Hartford), Michael Burns (Tolland), Susan Ye (NE), Tom Ethier (NW), Gary Chipman (Tolland), Clifford Glasberg (NE), Peter Cabaniol, Jon Mendelsohn, Barbara Barry (Hartford), Scott Tomford.

Financial report

The CTGP has $3402.11 in its treasury at present, but will soon depart with $1300 for the Green Times. A breakdown of chapter funds was circulated.

Business, Old and New

A motion was made by MdR to have state meeting facilitation be provided by chapters in rotation; and to have Chris Reilly collect and distribute agenda items for the state meetings for the next 6 months. It failed to pass (5-7-1).

A motion was made by AvN to revoke the minutes from the February meeting; the motion was tabled until next month, by a vote of 7-5-1.

AvN purchased a tape recorder to use in lieu of taking notes for state meetings. The State Central Committee voted 6-2-3 to accept the tape recorder, on the condition that tapes be held by the Secretary and that tapes of the meeting cannot be reproduced or provided to anyone outside the CTGP. The SCC voted against reimbursing Amy for the purchase of the tape recorder, 4-5-2.

AvN proposed some sort of mediation involving the CTGP but limited to herself, Tom Sevigny, Justine McCabe and Penny Teal and a mediator; the motion was tabled till next month (as proposed by AvN) by a vote of 5-4-3.

The next state meeting will be held on Tuesday, 28 May at 7:00 pm at Fisk Hall, Wesleyan University, Middletown.