CT Green Party State Central Committee Meeting
26 March 2002

Attending (voting representatives listed by chapter): Tom Sevigny (NW), John Battista (Western), Justine McCabe (Western), Vincent Maruffi (Central), Peter Magistri (Hartford), Mike de Rosa (Hartford), Barbara Barry (Hartford), Jim Wellington (Fairfield), Karin Lee Norton (Tolland), Penny Teal (Stonington), Vic Lancia (Central), Ken Humphrey (Central), Marty (Central), Brian Love (NFA), Sal Mangiali, Brooks Kelly.

Financial report

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Here are our current balances. All checks (CAN, Green Times) have been cut. Only approved expense not reflected in this report is this $100 approved for Peter Magistri (receipt has not yet been received) State 5132.84

Chapter Set Asides: Central 344.50, Fairfield 593.07 , Hartford 125.13, New Haven 479.23, New London 168.22, North East 203.89, North West 1561.43, Stonington 183.15, Tolland 33, Western 30

Guest speaker
Sal M., from CT Citizens' Action Network, spoke about the upcoming summit on high-level nuclear waste (12-14 April at Wesleyan; contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information or to volunteer to help). A motion to contribute $100 to cosponsor the event passed by consensus.

Old Business

Chapter reports were given.

The Bylaws Committee was granted, by consensus, an extension to work on the new set of bylaws; the deadline is now the June meeting (25 June 2002).

GPUS report

The SCC approved purchasing at least two bundles of the national Green Times, at about $20 per bundle.

The GP-US coordinating committee will be meeting in Philadelphia on the 3rd weekend of July (18-21 July 2002). All are encouraged to attend. Contact Tom Sevigny or John Battista for information.

New Business

The state will guarantee the cost of printing of voter registration information forms (designed and presented by Peter Magistri) to the extent chapters are unable to pay for them, up to $100 per chapter (by consensus).

We also voted to endorse the march/rally at SCSU on April 25 when former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak will be the invited speaker at the university.

Next meeting

The next state meeting will be held on Tues., 30 April 2002 at 7:00 pm at Fisk Hall. Please be there to show your support for this dynamic, vital organization.