TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2011      

ZAFRA ,259 ORANGE ST, NEW HAVEN, CT               

Meeting convened at        PM. Jerry Martin, Moderator


Approved Minutes of October 27, 2011 SCC Meeting            

Note: Objection raised by R. Duffee to lack of Executive Committee Minutes and conflict with   Procedure as published. Procedure re: publication of EC Minutes was changed by vote        of the EC after the April 2011 elections. Matter was referred to the EC.                          

1.         Treasurer’s Report – C. Reilly                                                                                        


                        C. Reilly and K. Krayeske will meet and put a Budget together for 2012 for

                        Submission to the SCC January meeting.

                        C. Reilly submitted a list of donors in 2010 and 2011 to the Executive Committee.

                        Krayeske to write an appeal for funds.

                        Approved: Krayeske Request for $75.00 appropriation for ad in program for                                 United Coalition for Environmental Justice. Submitted by Executive Committee.

2.         Chapter Reports:- P. Kane           

                        New Haven and New London filed written reports as required.

                        No written reports from Hartford or Fairfield.

                        S.M. DeRosa reported orally for Hartford and Rolf Maurer for Stamford.                                                                           

3.         Committee Reports:

                        By-laws & Procedures - J. Martin . A written report was distributed with the Notice                        of Meeting.

                        Platform Committee – J. Martin. A written report was distributed with the Notice                             of Meeting.   

                        S. M. DeRosa was directed by the Executive Committee to submit his proposal

                        for a Ballot Access Committee to the Platform Committee. He will submit a                                     written Proposal and solicit volunteers to carry petitions, plus determine their                                available dates, hours they can donate and report to the Platform Committee so                           the Executive Committee can evaluate whether or not to proceed.                                                         

4.         Executive Committee Report: - K. Krayeske reported that the new Website is basically

                        operating, with a few tweaks to follow. A tutorial will be posted to instruct new


Meeting adjourned:      PM

Patricia Kane, Secretary