When: THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012, 7:00 PM
Where: BLOODROOT, 83 Ferris St., Bridgeport, CT
Present: B. Barry, Paul Bassler, D. Bedell, A. Brison, SM DeRosa, R. Duffee, Jason Garnett, Ted Hanser, K. Krayeske, J Martin, R. Maurer, C. Reilly, Jeff Russell, Linda Thompson
Approval of Minutes of November 29, 2011 SCC Meeting: Tabled to February meeting
1. Treasurer’s Report – C. Reilly, K Krayeske
As of December 2011, we started with $1300 and ended with $422.80.
$1,000. was paid for the website and $120 was paid for hosting it to Dec. 2012.
GP of CT received $422.80 from the GP of US.
Balance is $607.
Close to $4000 was expended in the Year To Date.
CONSENSUS: Proposed Budget for 2012
$1900.00 Annual Meeting (includes voting list, postage, venue )
$1000.00 Printed materials (pens, tee shirts, etc.)
$ 100.00 Post Office Box
$ 80.00 Toll free phone #
$2000.00 for Campaigns in CT.
Krayeske said $4000 was raised in 2011 and the goal should be to raise 20% more or $5,000.00.
New London Campaign Manager was appointed Director of Public Works, which shows tangible results of supporting local campaigns.
Discussion re: donations. Suggestion for each GP member to pledge $120.00 per year or $10.00 per month.
CONSENSUS: Jeff Russell & R. Duffee, SM Derosa suggested Fund Raising Event. SM DeRosa to submit formal Motion to EC in February.
Unknown female made a pledge for 1 year???
2. Chapter Reports:
Fairfield, New Haven, New London filed reports in advance of EC meeting.
Hartford chapter filed a report after the Executive Committee meeting.
3. Committee Reports:
By-laws & Procedures - J. Martin
No meeting last month.
Confirmed that EC Minutes for 2011 to date will be distributed to SCC for “acceptance” at next SCC meeting.
Platform Committee – J. Martin
Suggestions submitted by 120 people. Party lacks expertise to take a position on all the topics suggested. There will be a discussion on February 18 on the topics submitted to prepare proposals for the Annual Meeting. Issues can be used as part of a “Briefing Book” for candidates and as a resource for them.
If Bylaws are amended, changes could be circulated to Chapters instead of waiting for the Annual Meeting each year. There is a need to define Chapter membership.
SM DeRosa wants a legislative agenda addressing energy.
4. Website update: K. Krayeske
Discussion re: need for exciting content and an instruction manual so we can do updates. Check out ctgreenparty.org
5 volunteers signed up for training on the website use.
5. CT Petition Campaign/Presidential campaign – SM DeRosa, K Krayeske
7 electors needed and forms were distributed to Barry, Brison, DeRosa, Garnett, Lancia?, Maurer, Stuller
CONSENSUS DeRosa requested an Ad Hoc Committee to organize volunteers to get petitions for ballot access signed by August deadline.
6. CONSENSUS Annual Meeting will be Saturday, April 28, 2012 at a time and place to be determined. Either Middletown or New Haven.
7. Next SCC meeting will be Tuesday, February 28, 2012 in Hartford.
Adjourned: 8:30 PM
Patricia Kane, Secretary