Approved minutes of the November 19, 2014  GPCT SCC meeting at 6:30PM.  Quorum met.                                                                           Site: Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Ave., Portland, CT  06480                                                                                 GPCT attendees: Greater Fairfield: Rolf Maurer, GPCT co-chairperson; Greater Hartford: Emily Garfinkel, Farmington; Paul Gobell, New Britain; S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chairperson, Christopher Reilly, GPCT treasure; Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary( and facilitator); Norwich: Linda Thompson Lancz, GPCT co-chairperson;  Waterford: Baird Welch-Collins;  Allan Brison, Hamden.

1. Consensus: a) acceptance of November 7, 2014 EC meeting minutes;       b) deferred review of the following minutes of:  August 19, 2014  GPCT Nominating Convention;  the SCC meetings of August 19, 2014  and September 22, 2014; September 12, 2014 EC minutes; the  ten  minutes of the GPCT Candidates teleconferences of: July 16th and 23rd  2014;  August 19, 2014; September 5th, 12th, 19th, 2014; October 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th of 2014.                                                                                           2.  Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: balance of $198.72.  Need for GPCT fundraising for typical expenses of organizational operation:  GPCT 800 telephone number; annual meeting; other events.                                                                        3.  Secretary’s report from Barbara Barry: Tim McKee is off GPUS Steering Committee moderation per 11-18-14 email from Holly Hart, representative for GPUS Steering Committee.                                                                                                      4.  Reports from our three (3) representatives to the GPUS:  S. Michael DeRosa and Baird Welch-Collins: GPNY gubernatorial candidate: Howie Hawkins garnered 5.5% of the vote and was the only candidate who was not cross-endorsed.  The GPUS has started using their blog site more for updates and news and less on their listserv for news.  Absent: Tim McKee.                                                                                                                                                              5.  Deferred: due to lack of proposals/resolutions from chapters or from five CTGP Members or from the EC.    

6.  November 4th 2014  election results of GPCT candidates:       Secretary of the State: S. Michael DeRosa: 26,612  of 1,044,005=2.5 % in a 5-way race.                                                                                                                                Stephen Fourier for Attorney General: 22,233 of 1,037,868 =2.1% in a 5-way race. Rolf Maurer for Comptroller: 17,339 of 1,027,181= 1.7% in a 5-way race.                                                                                           Rolf Maurer as WRITE-IN candidate for Treasurer: 532 of 1,046,169 i.e. 0.0005085%                                                                                                                              US Congressional District I: Jeffery Russell: 3,490 of 214,206= 1.6%; a 4-way race.                                                                                                                                 US Congressional District 2:  William Clyde:  2,517 of 227,750= 1.1 %; in 5-ways.                                                                                                Barbara A. Barry, for CT State Senate District 1 (southern Hartford and northern Wethersfield): 335=2% in a 5-way race.                                                                                                               David Michel for CT State Senator, District 27 (part of Stamford and part of Darien): 348=1.57%  in a 4-way race.                                                                                             Colin Bennett for CT State Senate District 33 (Haddam, East Haddam, Chester, Deep River, Essex, Lyme,  Clinton and Westbrook): 483=1.22% in a 5-way race.                                                                                                                                                                   Ed Heflin for CT State Senate, District 36 (Greenwich, part of Stamford and part of New Canaan): 3,171= 13% in a 2-way race.                                                                                                                     Paul Gobell for CT State House District 25 (part of New Britain): 55=1.8% in a        5-way race.                                                                                                                               Bill Collins for State House for District 38 (Waterford and part of Montville): 221=2.5% in a 4-way race.                                                                                              Cynthia “Cindy” Day for CT State House District 67 ( majority of New Milford): 158=2.2% in a 5-way race.                                                                                      Matthew Went for State House for District 84 (Meriden center): 398=14.3% in a 2-way race.                                                                                                                     David Olszta for State House, District 94 (part of New Haven and southern Hamden): 214=4.3% in a 3-way race.                                                                                             Kelly Hanna for State House for District 122 (part of Shelton, northern Stratford and Trumbull): 691=9.9% in a 3-way race.                                                                                                                                               David Bedell for CT State House for District 125 (most of New Canaan): 825=13.6% in a 2-way race.                                                                                                                   Bonnie Troy for CT State House District 135 (Weston, Easton and south part of Redding): 1287=19% in a 2-way race.                                                                                                                        Nathan Cloutier for CT State House for District 148 (part of Stamford): 64=1.4% in a 4-way race.                                                                                                                   Doug Lary for Windham GPCT Registrar of Voters=577 and running on the Bottom Line (municipal) party line=272                                                                                                     Cora M. Santaguida, Stamford Board of Education: 2384=3.3% in a 6-way race                                                                                              Thaddeus Hanser, Stamford Judge of Probate: 2675=11.8% in a 2-way race.                                                                                                     Hector Lopez, Weston Registrar of Voters: 76=2.2% in a 3-way race.  b) Discussion of post-election issues associated with GPCT candidates based on current information: BAB: all our candidates, except our write-in candidate garnered more than 1% of the votes cast on November 4, 2014.  Thus, per CT regulations, GPCT candidates have maintained ballot access for the next election for each of their offices.  DB: 35 state offices were uncontested in 2012 but in 2014 more than 50 were. SMD: each of the Democratic and Republican CT gubernatorial candidates received $6.5 million from the CT Campaign Election Fund (i.e. CT taxpayers) and a range of $8-10 million dollars of “dark money” to each candidate. This excludes other sources of legal campaign funding e.g. “soft money” e.g. 527 money: from former NYC Mayor Bloomberg to Governor Mallory regarding gun control. c) Consensus: investigate any 11-4-14 election ballot access complaints. David Bedell is authorized by the GPCT to forward GPCT complaints to the CT SEEC (State Elections Enforcement) if any are received.                                                                                                                                                                                     d) Consensus:  The GPCT 2015 legislative agenda will focus on the following issues: 1) CT public banking; 2) decrease the militarization of police departments in the state and promotion of improved professional standards of behaviors; 3) promotion of renewable energy and promote the conversion of CT military properties to renewable energy; 4) decriminalization of cannabis and the promotion of a hemp economy; 5) opposition to Common Core Curriculum; 6) urban/suburban/rural farming; 7) universal healthcare; 8) improve ballot access for “minor” political parties; 9)  support for changes similar to those promoted by Sheila Matthews, co-founder of a 501c3 organization which addresses the role of non-healthcare provider educators “diagnosing” public school students with medical conditions and suggesting prescription meds. This organization supports parent rights to determine the medical treatment and meds for their children in the face of pressure from educators and 10) promotion of more MUDs (municipal utility districts) than the current six: Groton, Jewett City, Norwich, South Norwalk and the Third Taxing District of Norwalk. Wallingford is the only CT MUD which owns and maintains its own electrical lines. These six MUDs deliver power to 75,000 customers i.e. 5% of customers. Their average electrical rate is 30-40% below that of CL&P and UI, all though they purchase their sources of energy from the same places.                                  Consensus: GPCT 2015 legislative agenda committee members are: Emily Garfinkel, Baird Welch-Collins, Ed Heflin, Rolf Maurer, S. Michael DeRosa and Barbara Barry. They are likely to have meetings to prepare these agenda items for presentation and promotion for when the CT Legislature opens just after the New Year. This 2015 session determines the state budgetary expenditures for the 2015 and the 2016 fiscal years.

7. Update about our alliance with NJ, NY, RI, MA, PA WV, OH and ME regarding the Algonquin Pipeline. The energy company plans to expand the pipeline to ME seaport so fracked oil and gas may be exported. LT: Jim Culter in NE reports thatthe energy company has to go to each landowner. The landowners have the state right to refuse allow the energy company’s ability to survey their land. There will be big demonstrations in July and August 2015, somewhere.  Energy companies are also planning expansions in CA and Europe. Investors are getting shaky.  Need to get signatures in opposition to resolutions to expand the Algonquin Pipeline in the 39 towns/landowners along the expansion route. In CT, the 30+ year old pipeline goes through Avon Mountain, just west of the West Hartford Reservoir. It is within feet of State Route 44.                 Here's a link to the Spectra Energy description of the project:                                 (Our GPCT liaison, Tim McKee was absent.)

8.  GPCT fundraising with possible speakers:   a) Consensus for a GPCT fundraiser: soon. Consensus: Holiday fundraiser for Saturday, December 20, 2014.  LT: fundraiser should be a social event. It does not need to be political. Charge $20/person with request for each person to bring a potluck food or beverage item. I will provide the dishes and utensils. Consensus: for social fundraiser: $20/person with potluck food or beverage item/person. Fundraiser site: public or private?  LT: it should not be a public place for a party. A party should be so you can hang out so have it at a house.  I offer my house at 188 Harland Rd, Norwich.  Time: afternoon or evening?  LT: a party occurs later. I can have the house decorated with lights for a 5:30PM party. Consensus: for social fundraiser at LT’s house on 12-20-14 at 5:30PM.  BAB and LT to send out e-invites to GPCT members.  BAB to also provide a suggested list of potluck items to bring and will share with members and LT.   b) Consensus: will defer, for now, pursuing a fundraiser with Harvey Wasserman, GPUS Secretary of Energy, author, journalist, professor and anti-nuclear activist since at least Three Mile Island (PA) event. c)  Waterford chapter is pursuing speakers for fundraising; d) other GPCT chapters are urged to do small GPCT fundraising events. e) or GPCT fundraiser may focus on one of the past GPCT candidates and f)LT: the Green-Rainbow  Party of MA has a position open for fundraising director.                                      

9.  Any GPCT sponsored events?   a) RM suggests: show “Rollover” movieat AvonTheaterregarding public banking; have speakers talk about US race relations in light of what has happened in Fergerson, MI and the militarization of police;  Common Core curriculum perhaps by Jonathan Pelto; event with Sheila Matthews, co-founder of a 501c3 organization which addresses the role of non-healthcare provider educators  identifying  public school students with medical conditions and suggesting prescription meds. This organization supports parental rights to determine the medical treatment and meds for their children in the face of pressure from educators.  Green Party alliance in opposition to the Algonquin Pipeline extension/additionswith GPs of: NJ, NY, MA, RI, PA, WV, OH and ME.

10. LT reports about: a) the New Bedford, MA event: attracted about 3000 people over the weekend event; LT shared table with Green-Rainbow Party of MA. Her cost: $150. She, the GPME and G-RP of MA showed their own literature and lawn signs of their 11-4-14 candidates.   b) Green-Rainbow Party of MA held their annual meeting on 11-15-14 in Worcester, MA with 200 attendees. The G-RP of MA three state-wide candidates garnered an average of 4.5% of votes. They had a silent auction. LT spoke about the GPCT and got a MA newspaper article about her speech.  GPRI had many of their candidates attend meeting. c) the Bulletin newspaper of Norwich posted on November 18, 2014, LT’s rebuttal to Ray Hackett’s editorial titled: “Green Party is not a viable alternative”. (See

11.  Selection of GPCT member liaisons with other CT organizations with similar values to the GPCT 10 Key Values. None selected at this time.  a) LT reports that Mr. Resinbrink of ME has stated that Ralph Nader wants GPs and liberals to work with the big ten company leaders. Mr. Resinbrink opposes this.  LT: wants GPCT to interact with other New England and regional groups prior to the 2016 presidential election.  Consensus: to do so.  SMD: current New England GPs are: MA, ME and RI. There is no GPVT despite two years of efforts to develop. Possible reasons: there are other alternative political parties.  There is no known GPNH.  LT: Ralph Nader suggests left-right organizations.  BW-C: libertarians who have similar interests to the GPCT.  Consensus: GPCT to work with other organizations only on the 1-3 interests the organization shares with the GPCT.  Some shared interests: gun control and need for gun permits.  Consensus:  LT selected as a GPCT alternate to the GPUS. This will allow her to participate as a GPCT member in GPUS issues but she will NOT vote as a GPCT member.  b) seek GPCT members as liaisons to other organizations who share similar values on issues.                                             

12.  Reports from our 3 representatives to each GPUS Committees.   Accreditation (AC): reviews state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions.                                                                                                                         Annual National Meeting (ANMC):  working on the 2014 GPUS Annual Meeting: Tim McKee: absent.                                                                              Ballot Access (BA): discussion of efforts/difficulties/strategies/successes of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access: SMD: see above. Don Alexander was absent.                                                                                                                                 Black Caucus.                                                                                                                                                          Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers and national committees:  Joshua Steele Kelly was absent.                                                                                                                            Coordination Campaign (CCC): distribution of GPUS money to Green Party public office candidates.                                                                                                                                            Dispute Resolution (DRC):  mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization.                                                                                             Diversity (DC):  strategies and actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS. Don Alexander was absent.                                                                                                                                            Eco Action (EA): develop strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters.                                                                                                           Finance (FinCom): review  and determine how to spend the money of the  GPUS organization.  Jeff Russell was absent.                                                            Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS operations.                                                                                     Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website.                                                                                           International Committee (IC): develops/promotes GPUS positions re: world  issues. SMD: no activity.  Absent: Amy Vas Nunes and Justine McCabe.                                                                                                                                                                 Latino Caucus:  Absent: Hector Lopez.                                                                                                                         Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines/acquires GPUS items.  BAB and Rolf Maurer: merchandize was promoted for Nov. elections.                                                                                        Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases.                                                                                                Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS.  Don Alexander was absent.                                                                                                                                            Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout  the world. SMD: no reactivation of this committee at this time. Don Alexander and Joshua Steele Kelly were absent.                                      Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with Green Party Ten Key Values. SMD: no activity. Absent: Amy Vas Nunes and Don Alexander.                                                                                                                 Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC):  develop strategies to support any GPUS presidential candidates. Tim McKee was absent.                                                                                                                                    Women’s Caucus.     

13. Deferred due to lack of time: GPCT chapter reports: a) GreaterFairfield; Greater Hartford; Greater New Haven;  Greater Norwich;  New London and Waterford, CT.  and b) written approved minutes to the CTGP secretary.                            

14.  Consensus: next SCC meeting to be Monday, January 12, 2015 at 6:30PM.  Site to be determined.    

15.  No other suggestions.     

GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality.

Submitted by Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary