Approved SCC Minutes of the March 16, 2015 (Monday) meeting from 6:30PM at the Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Ave, Portland, CT 06480. GPCT attendees by chapter: Greater Fairfield: Rolf Maurer, GPCT co-chairperson and Cora Santaguida. Greater Hartford: Christopher Reilly, GPCT treasurer, Nigel Pepin, S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chairperson, Emily Garfinkel and Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary. Norwich: Linda Thompson, GPCT co-chairperson. City of New London: Ronna Stuller. Waterford: Baird Welch-Collins. At large: Timothy McKee at 7:10pm. Facilitator: Rolf Maurer, GPCT co-chairperson.
1. Consensus: a) approved SCC minutes of the January 12, 2015 and February 16, 2015 SCC meetings and b) accepted EC minutes of: September 12, 2014, January 7, 2015, February 2, 2015, February 26, 2015 meetings and March 3, 2015 emergency EC meeting.
2. Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: $749.00.
3. Deferred: Secretary’s report and update from Barbara Barry regarding GPCT proposal seeking Freedom of information request to the CT SEEC (State Elections Enforcement Commission) requesting what CT money was used to distribute to the CT (Democrat and Republican) candidates financial campaigns since enacted in 2005. And to provide the amounts of money to each candidate’s campaign fund.
4. Reports from our 3 representatives to the GPUS: present: S. Michael DeRosa, Baird Welch-Collins and Timothy McKee. BAB: early bird registration is $90 for the GPUS Annual Meeting for July 23-26, 2015 in St. Louis, Missouri.
5. Proposal (see ADDENDUM I below) from Linda Thompson, GPCT co-chairperson and member of the GPUS Outreach National Committee. Proposal to the GPCT: That members read and consider the 1980 National Black Independent Political Party (NBIPP) platform, for future vote about whether the GPCT wishes to forward this platform (in whole or in parts) to the GPUS Outreach National Committee for its consideration.
6. Report about the expansion of the Algonquin Pipeline from our GPCT liaison: Tim McKee, to our GP alliance with NJ, NY, RI, MA, PA, OH, WV, ME and the GPUS. The energy company plans to expand the pipeline to a ME seaport so fracked oil and gas may be exported. TMcK: the Algonquin Pipeline was approved for expansion in RI. Here's a link to the Spectra Energy description of the project:
7. Deferred: Report about any GPCT complaints to the CT SEEC (State Elections Enforcement) regarding 11-4-14 election ballot access events.
8. GPCT 2015 Legislative proposals: a) Consensus: accepted the minutes of the GPCT Legislative Committee meetings i.e. ADDENDUM II; b) Report about the GPCT approved 2015 legislative agenda from the GPCT Legislative Committee members. c) Cindy Day has volunteered to be GPCT liaisons with the HempCT organizations. d) below are the GPCT 2015 legislative proposals. *CT public banking: Ed Heflin and SMD regarding the 2-19-15 CT Banking Committee public hearing about HB 5973. Deputy Majority Leader, Rep. Susan Johnson, D. from Willimantic spoke and endorsed GPCT proposal. Committee voted to deny GPCT proposal request. *Urban/suburban/rural farm food chain: BAB and SMD regarding their 2-11-15 meeting with Rep. James Albis, D. of East Haven and co-chairperson of the Environment Committee regarding HB 5471: for an act to establish a food system advisory council. GPCT proposal was sponsored by Rep. Lopes, New Britain for Paul Gobell and Barbara Barry. *Demilitarization of the police: RM and BAB. There are similar bills in the pipeline. *Universal healthcare: by BAB. There is a bill to enhance the Affordable Care Act. *Promotion of MUDs (municipal utility districts) to as many of the state’s 169 towns. Currently there are 6 MUDs and only Wallingford owns and maintains its own power lines…and it has not lost power when UI and CL&P lost power. By BAB and SMD. There are other similar bills in the pipeline for specific geographic areas. *Common Core Curriculum reform: RS: New London residents are working on this issue but the New London GPCT chapter is not. They have not spoken with any legislator because no one has asked New London to do so. *Renewable energy: by Ed Heflin and SMD. There are similar bills in pipeline. *Ballot access: SMD: HB 5304: write-in registration for minor parties sponsored by Rep. Devin Carney, R. Lyme, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, Westbrook; HB 6103: act regarding party affiliation sponsored by Rep. Susan Johnson, D. of Willimantic and Deputy House Speaker. *Decriminalization of cannabis and use of hemp economy: RM and Cindy Day. There are some other bills in the pipeline also. *Conversion of military property/businesses to renewable energy sources: SMD and RM. There are other similar and bills in the pipeline. *Promotion of Parent, Student, Child mental health: by Rolf Maurer.
9. The April 25, 2015 GPCT 2015 Annual Meeting at Portland Waverly Center (front 1st floor room with kitchen). Consensus regarding: a, b, c, d, e and f. a) time and agenda: 11am to 5pm. 11am to noon: Internal GPCT candidates (5 EC offices and our 3 representatives) to the GPUS speak and take questions from attendees. potluck lunch from noon to 12:30pm. Linda Thompson speaks from 12:30 to 1pm about her January 2015 trip to Cuba with Code Pink. 1PM deadline for submission of ballots to the GPCT Internal Elections Committee for counting; 1PM to 1:30PM: Tim McKee to update about the Algonquin GP alliance; 1:30PM to 2:15PM: GPCT Legislative Committee to talk about our GPCT legislative proposals, status of same and take questions. 2:15PM to 3PM: Session A workshops about legislative agenda issues. 3PM to 3:45PM: Session B workshops about legislative agenda issues. 3:45PM to 4PM: attendees to suggest/vote on future GPCT focus for the next year; 4PM: internal elections results. b) deadline for submission of candidate names for these positions: at the close of the March 16, 2015 SCC meeting about 8:30PM via email, writing or orally to GPCT secretary. NO CANDIDATE NAMES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 8:30PM on MARCH 16, 2015. c) mailed notices of meeting will also include requests for donations. Possible uses for donations: to petition for our 2016 GPUS presidential candidate and to reaffirm that we are a political party which does not cross-endorse or accept corporate money; money to sponsor or co-sponsor events; 800 GPCT phone number. Volunteers to develop the ballot from the 2-16-15 SCC meeting are: Ronna Stuller, Christopher Reilly, Barbara Barry and RS volunteered Doug Lary. d) candidate statements and biographies to be on GPCT website. Their names will be on the ballot mailed to GPCT members; e) selection of our representatives to the GPUS National Committees will be determined at the next SCC. This SCC date/time/place will be determined by the EC officers elected at the April 25, 2015 GPCT Annual Meeting. f) Internal Elections Committee to solicit and develop enough workshops to be in two different time periods. Workshops may include non-legislative agenda issues e.g. LT: Conflict Resolution and perhaps Environmental Justice Network? Legislative proposal workshops: RM: Sheila Matthews from is willing to table and/or chair a workshop about mental health proposals for students. SMD: Ed Heflin willing to do workshop on CT public banking; BAB: she and Paul Gobell are willing to table for urban farming to table food chain; SMD willing to do Ballot Access workshop. RM: demilitarization of law enforcement officials.
10. Consensus: GPCT Fundraising for Saturday, March 28, 2015, at the Portland Waverly Center, Portland, CT from noon to 5PM. Noon: “leftist folk music” by Baird Welch-Collins. 12:30PM: GPCT members to discuss (for 5-10 minutes each) the following: SMD: relationship between poverty and wars; RM: relationship between the media and wars; EG: how current wars affect young adults; LT: the history of the anti-war movements and BAB: how wars affect civilian healthcare and vice versa. 1PM: Speaker: Jill Stein, M.D.; 2012 GPUS presidential candidate. She established her 2016 presidential exploratory committee. Topic: Anti-war. Attendees are urged to bring potluck food and beverages; and items for sale. Urge GPCT Facebook users to send out e-invites. Ask people and organizations (e.g. G-RPMA) with similar values to come to the fundraiser.
11. GPCT Budget Committee: Linda Thompson and Christopher Reilly. Goals: traditional needs and current need for money: to petition for the GPUS 2016 presidential candidate, advertise, sponsor and/or co-sponsor events in the print and digital media. Monetary costs of elections of internal officers as per CT regulations and GPCT bylaws. New GPCT volunteers are: Ronna Stuller and Barbara A. Barry.
12. GPCT events of interest: “True Colors” LGBT annual conference on Friday and Saturday, March 20-21, 2015 at the UCONN Storrs campus. Update per BW-C and EG: UConn does not allow political parties to participate so they will table with a LGBT group. or
13. a) Past event of interest to the GPCT: a) Saturday, February 28, 2015 speaking event by U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, RI at 1:30PM at Yale School of Forestry, New Haven, CT. New Directions in Environmental Law 2015: Harnessing Momentum i.e. ways we can channel energy to make the 21st century environmental solutions a reality. He is a long-time opponent of the Keystone Pipeline but supports fracking. b) future events: LT: Chicago, May 2-3, 2015 conference: Left /Independent Electoral Actions. Endorsed by 70 organizations; GP speakers: Jill Stein, GPUS 2012 presidential candidate and Howie Hawkins, GPNY 2014 gubernatorial candidate. For more information: leftelect <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> ; leftelectupdates <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. Consensus: GPCT endorsement of this Chicago event. Also: a May Day event on May 2, 2015 from 11am-3pm on the New Haven Green.
14. GPCT Facebook: people are asking to join the GPCT on this site. Per CT regulations and GPCT Bylaws: cannot do so on social media sites. Consensus: BAB and DB to address these Facebook requests.
15. GPCT Outreach Committee report: GPCT member liaisons with other CT organizations with similar values e.g. Able Child: RM; HempCT: Cindy Day and RM; CT Sierra Club: SMD; True Colors: EG; Environmental Justice Network: need liaison; Veterans for Peace: David Ionno; farm to table farming: Paul Gobell and BAB; NAACP: LT.
16. Reports from GPCT representatives to each (GPUS) Committee. Accreditation (AC): reviews state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions. Annual National Meeting (ANMC): working on the 2014 GPUS Annual Meeting: TMcK: platform issues are not addressed in a non-presidential election year e.g. 2015. Ballot Access (BA): discussion of efforts/strategies/successes of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access: SMD: CT legislative bills to lower number of required petitions. Don Alexander was absent. Black Caucus Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers and national committees: Joshua Steele Kelly was absent. ****Coordination Campaign (CCC): distribution of GPUS money to GP public office candidates. TMcK stated this is not a national committee. This committee is elected at the national level. Dispute Resolution (DRC): mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization Diversity (DC): strategies/actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS. Don Alexander was absent. Eco Action (EA): develop strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters. Jeff Russell was absent. Finance (FinCom): determine how to spend the GPUS. Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS operations. Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website International Committee (IC): develops/promotes GPUS positions re: world issues. SMD: IC has not met in many months. Amy Vas Nunes and Justine McCabe were absent. Latino Caucus: Hector Lopez was absent. Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines/acquires items for the GPUS. Rolf Maurer: he is designing/developing GPUS t-shirts. Outreach (OC): interacts with groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS. LT: GPCT suggestions that slogans should focus on GP values i.e. be different from the Democrats and Republicans. Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases. Outreach Committee (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests with the GPUS. LT: agenda item 5 and Addendum I. Don Alexander was absent. Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout the world. SMD: no other GP state is interested in participating in GPAX. Need 2 state chapter members to establish the GPAX. Absent: Don Alexander and Joshua Steele Kelly. Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with Green Party Ten Key Values. SMD: no activity. Absent: Amy Vas Nunes and Don Alexander. Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC): develop strategies to support any GPUS presidential candidates. Tim McKee left this meeting prior to this discussion. Women’s Caucus.
17. GPCT chapter reports: Greater Fairfield: RM: will host event regarding CT Public Banking and a movie likely in April or May; Greater Hartford: BAB and SMD: 3-12-15 meeting: updated status regarding: GPCT legislative proposals; 3-28-15 GPCT fundraiser; 4-25-15 GPCT annual meeting; future focus of the chapter; liaison volunteers for the GPCT Outreach Committee; Greater New Haven; no report. City of New London: RS: seek to have members on NL city council and city committees e.g. platform and also the board of education. Will have NL convention prior to the Democratic and Republican conventions. Will have fundraiser on March 21, 2015 to raise money for NL only. Need $5000 to field New London city candidates. Greater Norwich: LT: seeking members; Waterford, CT: discussing: fundraising, community events and fielding municipal candidates for 2015 and 2016.
18. The date/time and place for the next SCC meeting is to be determined by the EC members elected at the April 25, 2015 GPCT Annual Meeting.
19. Other suggestion: TMcK: suggest decreasing the number of SCC meetings from monthly to every 3 months. GPCT meetings should be scheduled for the entire day of a Saturday every 3 months or so.
FROM: Linda Thompson, GPCT co-chairperson. To: GPCT SCC:
I am attaching and enclosing the Charter of the National Black Independent Political Party (NBIPP) for consideration. I am on the Outreach Committee of the National Green Party and we have been discussing how to diversify the GPUSA. My suggestion is that we have not been specific enough in developing a platform for the black community. We have a diversity point but everyone is for diversity. The following article shows how Democratic Party platitudes on diversity do not solve the problems facing the black community. While I cannot go into the history of rise and fall of NBIPP right now one of their greatest achievements was developing a program that met the needs of the black community.
If folks wish to read further on the NBIPP I have included a good book on it or you can Google it for more information.
Proposal to CT Green Party: That members read and consider the following NBIPP platform for consideration at a future vote at a GPCT SCC meeting about whether the GPCT wishes to forward a motion to the GPUS National Committee that it adopt all or most of these points to develop a comprehensive platform for black America.
Obama's Platitudes vs. National Black Independent Political Party's 1980 Charter:
Besides mouthing platitudes about how he’ll be an “agent of change” once he moves into the White House in 2009, U.S. Foreign Relations Committee Member Barack Obama hasn’t provided U.S. voters with a specific program for radical democratic change. Yet in its 1980 charter, the National Black Independent Political Party included the following 40 specific demands in its 1980 program for radical democratic change, most of which have still not been implemented by the U.S. Militaristic Establishment’s politicians of both major parties:
The following are demands: 1: Massive employment programs specifically targeted at the Black community, to alleviate the disproportionate levels of unemployment among our people and especially among Black youth. 2: Free and low-cost education training for job opportunities for all our people.
3: An end to plant closings and runaway shops. 4: Full unemployment compensation for all who are laid off and unemployed. 5: Increased funding and improved administration for social security and other income maintenance programs for those unable to work. 6: An end to “right to work” labor laws. 7: Tuition-free education and open admissions to all institutions of higher learning as well as special technical and professional schools. 8: Full financial support by the federal government for Black colleges and universities, commensurate with the tax dollars now given to Harvard, Yale, University of California and other institutions of higher education. 9: A national comprehensive health care services program to make quality health care free and available to all who need it regardless of social status or income.
10: That the FBI and CIA be abolished, as they are incapable of being reformed to act justly. 11: That all repressive legislation such as the death penalty be eliminated from the criminal statutes. 12: That prisons be abolished and alternatives to cruelly punitive, torturous and degrading incarceration be developed.
13: Passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. 14: Free day care for all who need it. 15: Fight against all constitutional or legal barriers to abortion. 16: Guaranteed livable income for the elderly with cost of living adjustments. 17: That the elderly be provided for economically, medically and emotionally. 18: The immediate implementation and enforcement of meaningful and workable affirmative action programs with specific goals, time limits, and quotas and penalties for failure to fully comply in all private and public employment, job training and education. 19: That the government allocate all the necessary funds and human resources to building and providing low cost houses and apartments for all who need them, especially for poor and middle income people. 20: That the maximum interest rates on loans for financing construction, rehabilitation and purchasing of single and multi-family units be rolled back immediately.
21: The immediate cessation of all gentrification and spatial deconcentration projects in urban centers that seek to disperse and displace Black people and destroy our culture. 22: That not more than 10% (ten percent) of a person’s annual income be paid on rent (which constitutes a rent control program). 23: The cessation of all discriminatory and anti-family housing, practices, e.g. red-lining, denial of public housing to ex-offenders and families with children, etc. 24: Nationalization of the energy industry at all levels and in all sections with full participation of Black and poor people in the management, control, and decision-making policies of the industry. 25: Strict government regulation on the prices of essential energy sources to curb skyrocketing energy prices. 26: Full government funding for research and development of new and/or cheaper energy resources. 27: An end to all propaganda which blames the…energy crisis on the energy producing Third World nations and OPEC. 28: Full disclosure of the corporate records of the energy monopolies. 29: Immediate halt to the use of nuclear power. 30: The immediate cessation of the seizure of Black-owned land. 31: The implementation of a radical reform program to meet the social needs of Black farmers and rural dwellers. 32: An end to military arms transfers to nations which violate human rights and who violate the sovereignty and independence of other nations. 33: An end to the huge and wasteful expenditures on the military. 34: An end to draft registration. 35: An end to U.S. military interventions and CIA covert operations in other nations. 36: The payment of wages to prisoners in accordance with laws and practices governing all workers for comparable or equal work. 37: The right to a single cell. 38: The right to free relevant training while in prison. 39: The abolition of the death penalty. 40: The abolition of all laws which try and incarcerate youth as adults.
The National Black Independent Political Party:
Political Insurgency Or Ideological Convergence
Taylor & Francis, 1999 - Political Science - 165 pages
************************************************************************ GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality.
Submitted by Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary for the GPCT EC. Co-chairpersons: Linda Thompson, S. Michael DeRosa, Rolf Maurer and treasurer: Christopher Reilly