Approved minutes of the Monday, June 15, 2015 6:30PM SCC meeting at the Portland Waverly Center, Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT 06480 . (Date changed from June 8, 2015 to June 15, 2015). Facilitator: Baird Welch-Collins. Timekeeper: Emily Garfinkel.
GPCT attendees by chapter: Fairfield: Rolf Maurer, co-chairperson, Cora Santaguida, David Bedell. Greater Hartford: S. Michael DeRosa, co-chairperson; Emily Garfinkel, Barbara Barry, secretary; Christopher Reilly, Treasurer, Mary Lawrence. City of New London: Ronna Stuller and Bud McAllister. Norwich: Linda Thompson, co-chairperson. and Daniel Gibson. Waterford: Joshua Steele Kelly and Baird Welch-Collins. At large: Allan Brison, o Hamden, Tim McKee, New Haven and E. Larry Kern, Groton. Also Paul Bassler, “Stan” and an unknown observer.
1. Review and: a) approved minutes the March 16, 2015 SCC meeting; b) accepted minutes of the Saturday, March 28, 2015 GPCT Fundraiser with Jill Stein, GPUS 2012 Presidential Candidate; c) accepted EC minutes of the: May 11, 2015 and May 26, 2015 meetings and d) accepted the minutes of the emergency EC meetings of: March 30, 2015, April 2, 2015 and April 6, 2015. e) Did not accept the minutes of the April 25, 2015 GPCT Annual Meeting. Revision suggested.
2. Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: balance: $747. Expenses: P O Box, checking account, GPCT 800#, sponsored or co-sponsored events, fundraising, mailings, need to plan for 2016 petitioning, etc.
3. Secretary’s report from B. Barry: a) deferred: seeking Freedom of information request to the CT SEEC (State Elections Enforcement Commission) requesting what CT money was used to distribute to the CT (Democrat and Republican) candidates financial campaigns since enacted in 2005. b) people who can authenticate petitioners’ signature on a petition: Notary public; justice of the peace; attorney admitted to the CT bar; Secretary of the State; judge of a court of record; family support magistrate; clerk or deputy clerk of a court having a seal; commissioner of deeds; town clerk of the town indicated on the petition. c) Consensus: change the GPCT contact person for websites: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to Barbara Barry, current GPCT secretary from Ed Dubrule, former GPCT secretary. RS motion for a deputy to assist BAB was not seconded so motion failed.
4. Reports from our 3 representatives to the GPUS: S. Michael DeRosa: one of the seven GPUS co-chairpersons resigned (Starlene Rankin, WA) and Andrea Merida was elected to replace her. (So current GPUS Co-chairs are: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.– Virginia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.– Colorado; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – Washington, DC; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – Nebraska; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – California; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – Virginia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – New York.) Joshua Steele Kelly: there will be another opening for a Steering Committee position in the near future. Linda Thompson: any potential 2016 GPUS presidential candidate needs to raise $5,000 from each state. Need more activity by the GPUS standing committees.
5. Feedback regarding the April 25, 2015 GPCT 2015 Annual Meeting at Portland Waverly Center. A) Addendum I: 4-25-15 3:29PM report from C. Reilly, Internal Elections Committee chairperson: Rolf Maurer was elected as the third co-chairperson by the process of elimination on the 5th round. Consensus: agreed with the election results as documented by CR using the same computer software the GPCT has used for years. B) CR: suggested that the GPCT needs to develop bylaw procedures to address ties, protests or if one GPCT member wants a recount in an election. CR stated that: the software does not account for our gender requirement or for NOTA (none of the above) processes. Nor is there any currently known software which provides a solution if a candidate does not meet threshold requirement. Because an office must be filled process of elimination is a reasonable process for this problem in current software. C) Attendees requested revision of the agenda sections about the speakers LT and TMcK.
6. Attending candidates gave their candidate statements about why they wish to be elected GPCT representatives to specific (GPUS) Standing Committees. GPUS allots a maximum of three GPCT reps. to each standing committee. a) Election results are noted below. Computer IRV software was used for the International Committee because more than 3 people were seeking to be representatives to that committee.
Accreditation (AC): reviews state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions. No GPCT member came forth for this committee. Annual National Meeting (ANMC): work on the 2015 and 2016 GPUS Annual Meeting. No member came forth. Ballot Access (BA): discussion of efforts/difficulties/strategies of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access: S. Michael DeRosa. Black Caucus. No GPCT member came forth for this caucus. Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers/ national committees: Joshua Steel Kelly and Amy Vas Nunes. Credentials Committee (CredCom): No GPCT member came forth for this committee. Dispute Resolution (DRC): mediation disputes within the GPUS. No member came forth. Diversity (DC): strategies/actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS: Emily Garfinkel. Eco Action (EA): develop GPUS strategies regarding ecological matters. No member came forth. Finance (Fincom): determine how to spend the GPUS money. No member came forth for this committee. Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS. No GPCT member came forth for this committee. GPUS internet news: acquire/write articles for the website. No member came forth for this committee. International Committee (IC): develops/promotes GPUS positions re: world issues: Computer software elected on 1st round: S. Michael DeRosa and Joshua Steele Kelly. Justine McCabe was elected on the 4th round. Latino Caucus. No GPCT member came forth for this committee. Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases. No GPCT member came forth for this committee. Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines/acquires items for the GPUS. Rolf Maurer. Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS. Linda Thompson and Emily Garfinkel. Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout the world: Baird Welch-Collins. Platform (PC): promotes positions on issues for the GPUS which are consistent with GP Ten Key Value: Joshua Steele Kelly, Amy Vas Nunes and Justine McCabe. Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC): develop strategies to support a GPUS presidential candidate: Timothy McKee. Women’s Caucus: No GPCT member came forth for this caucus.
7. Consensus: Linda Thompson, Joshua Steele Kelly and S. Michael DeRosa were elected as the three allocated GPCT members to be delegates to the GPUS Annual Meeting from Thursday, July 23 through Sunday, July 26, 2015. TMcK stated that no platform issues will be voted on nor would the 2016 GPUS presidential candidate be chosen.
8. None of the GPCT 2015 legislative proposals to the CT Legislative were ever submitted by legislators or committees except for public banking which was submitted by Susan Johnson, of Willimantic who is Deputy Speaker of the House.
CT public banking: SMD: Susan Johnson is willing to meet/discuss CT public banking.
The status of non GPCT proposals is as follows: Demilitarization of the police/law enforcement officials: BAB: bills in pipeline. The ACLU had an educational forum in Middletown in favor of demilitarization. Universal healthcare: BAB: bills in pipeline. Promotions of municipal utility district: BAB: bills in pipeline. Common Core Curriculum reform: BAB: bills in pipeline.
Renewable energy: BAB: bills in pipeline. Ballot access: SMD: neither of the following ever got a hearing: HB 5304: write-in registration for minor parties; HB 6103: act regarding party affiliation..
Decriminalization of cannabis: BAB: failed in legislature. Use of hemp: passed per RS.
Conversion of military property/businesses to renewable energy sources: BAB: bills in pipeline.
Urban/suburban/rural farm to table food chain: BAB: 4 GPCT members are enhancing lists of 600 farms and other organizations which we can contact in efforts to promote this proposal in the 2016 legislative session.
9. Positive feedback regarding the Saturday, March 28, 2015 the GPCT Fundraising event with Jill Stein, GPUS 2012 Presidential Candidate and who has established a 2016 presidential exploratory committee.
10. Consensus: for a motion by SMD, which was seconded that SMD may represent the GPCT about joining the Libertarian Party in their court case regarding CT regulation which does NOT allow out-of- state people to collect petition signatures. There was a recent federal court ruling to support Libertarian Party viewpoint.
11. Consensus: Composition of each present and future GPCT committee as proposed by the EC: one GPCT member per chapter. Additionally At-large representative(s) should come from under represented geographic areas of the GPCT e.g. northern CT, western CT, etc. Objective: to have fair mix of members from under represented areas and heavily represented areas of GPCT membership.
12. Formation of GPCT Conflict Resolution Committee as recommended by the 4-25-15 Conflict Resolution Workshop attendees. Volunteers: Linda Thompson, Norwich, Bud McAllister, New London & E. Larry Kern, Groton.
13. GPCT Budget Committee: Linda Thompson and Christopher Reilly: as indicated in #2 above.
14. GPCT Fundraising Committee goal future GPCT fundraisers. Volunteers: Rolf Maurer and SMD.
15. Linda Thompson stated she cannot chair the GPCT Outreach Committee: goal setting i.e. selection of GPCT member liaisons with other CT organizations with similar values. RS: does outreach with her public access TV show which is also on YouTube and the New London chapter website. BAB: we have GPCT members interacting with the following organizations: Able Child, HempCT, CT Sierra Club, True Colors, Environmental Justice Network, Stamford NAACP, Veterans for Peace and organizations supporting urban/suburban/rural farm to table farming.
16. Update from Tim McKee, GPCT liaison with organizations opposing the expansion of the Algonquin Pipeline. The energy company plans to expand the pipeline to a ME seaport so frocked oil and gas may be exported. The alliance includes GPs of NJ, NY, RI, MA, PA, OH, WV, ME and the GPUS. Here's a link to the Spectra Energy description of the project: TMcK: NY Governor Cuomo opposes fracking but not the pipeline. Even though you may not use gas, all taxpayers will pay for the full $6 billion cost of the expansion. Yard signs are being used to make pubic peoples opposition to the pipeline.
17. A) Past events of interest to the GPCT: a) Future of the Left & Independent Politics, An Electoral Action Conference, April 30, 2015 to May 3, 2015 in Chicago. LT stated that 200 people came from around the country with only two months notice of this event. LT will place details of this launching conference on GPCT website. The people from these organizations did come together on many common concerns and agreed to further interact. b) May 29 to May 31, 2015 Left Forum Event in NYC: good event; c) May 30, 2015 Green-Rainbow Party of MA convention: good event; d) CT People’s Climate March, Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 11:15AM at 210 Capital Avenue, Hartford, CT: attendance probably hindered by pouring rain.
B) Future activities: Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign in Philadelphia, Thursday, June 25, 2015
18. a) GPCT chapter reports: Greater Fairfield: DB: David Michele is getting significant media coverage about his work exposing the lack of CT DEEP cleanup of part of the Stamford harbor waters/silt. The DEEP is now planning on taking actions. TMcK and DB indicated that there may be a Green interested in opposing U.S. Senator Himes. Greater Hartford: ML: may run for Wethersfield City Council in 11-3-15 election. Greater Norwich. City of New London: RS: chapter likely to run candidates for two City Council and two Board of Education positions. Also the U.S. Dept of Justice is looking at racial profiling in New London. Waterford: BW-C: nominating convention scheduled for 6-20-15 regarding Joshua Steele Kelly and 5 other possible municipal GPCT candidates for 11-3-15 elections. and b) written approved minutes to the CTGP secretary.
19. Consensus: next SCC meeting: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 6:30PM likely place Portland Waverly Center.
GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality.
Submitted by Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary for the GPCT EC: Linda Thompson, S. Michael DeRosa, Rolf Maurer and Christopher Reilly.