Approved Minutes of the Tuesday, July 28, 2015 GPCT SCC. Quorum met. (Started at 7PM following the GPCT Nomination Convention).                                                        GPCT attendees by chapter: Greater Fairfield: David Bedell. Greater Hartford: S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chairperson; Emily Garfinkel, Christopher Reilly, GPCT treasurer, Mary Lawrence, Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary.   City of New London: Ronna Stuller, Tim Hanser. Greater Norwich: Linda Thompson, GPCT co-chairperson. Waterford: Baird Welch-Collins, Joshua Steele Kelly. At large: Ben Holden, Canton; David Olszta, New Haven, Allan Brison, Hamden; Timothy McKee, Wallingford. Observer: Brian Gay. Facilitator: Linda Thompson. Timekeeper: Tim Hanser.

1.  Consensus: a) approved minutes the June 15, 2015 SCC meeting with TMcK abstaining;            b) revised minutes of the April 25, 2015 GPCT Annual Meeting: TMcK objected to minutes related to him. RS: stated minutes did not need to include information about electricity in Cuba. BAB stated the minutes were factually correct. SMD: minutes need to provide sufficient information to get the gist of meeting. SMD made a motion: to accept these minutes. BW-C seconded the motion so motion carried. No consensus. Vote: 9 GPCT members voted to accept the minutes: AB, SMD, BW-C, BAB, EG, CR, LT, ML, and BH. Three voted to oppose these minutes: JSK, RS and TMcK. One abstention. Outcome: approval of the revised minutes of the April 25, 2015 GPCT Annual Meeting.    and    c)  Consensus: accept EC minutes of the July 20, 2015 EC meeting.   d) LT: suggested that draft SCC be posted immediately on GPCT website i.e. before they are approved. No proposal was brought forward by either a chapter or at least five (5) GPCT members, so suggestion did not carry.                                                                                                 2.  Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: balance: $740.38.                                                                                       3. SMD: spoke with an attorney at the CT SEEC (State Elections Enforcement Commission) who confirmed to the best of his knowledge only CT unclaimed funds are used to distribute to the CT (Democrat and Republican) candidates financial campaigns since enacted in 2005. However, there is a provision that if further funds are needed, a loan can be taken from CT general funds. But it must be paid back to the CT general fund.                                                                                                                                      4.  Reports from our 3 representatives to the GPUS National Committee:  Joshua Steele Kelly, S. Michael DeRosa, and Linda Thompson.   JSK: was an unsuccessful candidate for one of the seven positions on the GPUS Steering Committee i.e. to be one of seven GPUS co-chairpersons. The GPUS chat website has been restored; potential sites for the GPUS 2016 Presidential Convention: Houston, TX or in Ohio: either Toledo or Cleveland.  Attendees did not have consensus for any site.        TMcK: wants the election of three alternates to the GPUS National Committee which he stated are allocated for the CT by the GPUS. BAB: I have had multiple phone conversations and email correspondences with the GPUS. Holly Hart reaffirmed the GPUS Bylaws i.e. the only way to get on GPUS National and/or standing committees is as: a delegate i.e. member; advisor or observer.   HH emphasized that an HHHn alternate position only comes into play if the need arises and is for a limited period of time. Example: a delegate/member: dies or becomes incapacitated or is no longer a GP member.   LT: placed in motion: defer discussion about GPCT alternate(s) to next SCC meeting when we can figure out what to do. Candidate motivation for seeking an alternate position should be included. Motion was seconded by TH. Motion passed. CR asked if GPCT members should email their requests to Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary? TMcK: reaffirmed an email should be sent to BAB with candidate statement, motivation for seeking this position and they should come to the next SCC meeting so they can be vetted by SCC attendees.   No objections from attendees.                                                                                                                                                         5. GPUS Annual Meeting from Thursday, July 23 à Sunday, July 26, 2015. None of our delegates: Joshua Steele Kelly, S. Michael DeRosa and Linda Thompson or members attended. BAB: nothing has been updated on the GPUS website or in emails to the GPCT about this event.             

6. GPCT contributions to GPUS candidates for the 2016 presidential candidate position. LT: a) Jill Stein: is seeking sufficient candidate donations in order to qualify for federal campaign matching funds. In order to achieve this, she needs to acquire from twenty (20) GP states, $5000 per state. As of now she has acquired $3100 via the internet. Mailed in donations were not included with this total. Individuals may contribute up to $250. Goal is $5000 as soon as possible from every GP state. b) people may wish to contribute to any of the other GPUS presidential candidates: William “Bill” Kremlauthor of books on Political Science and Philosophy, has been political active. Has run for office which lead him to the Green Party and this Presidential Campaign; Darryl Cherney,KentMesplay,  and  Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza Curry.  c) Rolf Maurer will coordinate GPCT donations to the GPUS candidate of donor’s choice.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 7. Updates from our representatives from each (GPUS) Standing Committee.    LT: urged members to run for GPUS standing committees. DB: opportunities to work on GPCT committees, too.                                                                                                                                                      Accreditation (AC): reviews state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions.                                                                                                                Annual National Meeting (ANMC):  working on the 2014 GPUS Annual Meeting.                                                   Ballot Access (BA): discussion of efforts/difficulties/strategies of the state Green Parties gaining ballot access: SMD: A) federal judicial court decision found the PA judicial ruling unconstitutional regarding R. Nader’s 2012 presidential run. Nader was required by PA’s restrictive ballot access procedures are unconstitutional. Specifically the $80,000 Ralph Nader had to contest his challenge of this practice.  B) a GPUS member from Philadelphia and SMD are still trying to reactivate the GP in VT. C) Libertarian lawsuit is still active. D) SMD as a member of the BA will be seeking GPUS money to support CT efforts to get GP presidential and federal candidates on CT ballot. E) suggest GPCT try to get valid GPCT candidates for each of the CT Congressional Districts in 2016. F) suggest the GPCT seek candidates for CT’s five (5) congressional districts.                                                                                                                                                                         Black Caucus.                                                                                                                                                           Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure (BRPP): for the GPUS officers & national committees: AVN and JSK: no activity.                                                                                                                        Dispute Resolution (DRC): mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization.                                                    Diversity (DC):  strategies/actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS: EG: no activity.                                                         Eco Action (EA): develop strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters.                                 Finance (Fincom): determine how to spend the GPUS money.                                                                             Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS.                                                                                                               Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website.                                            International Committee (IC): promotes GPUS positions re: world issues: JSK, JMcC and SMD: no activity but will try to reactivate; five people were sent overseas GPs.                                                                                                                                      Latino Caucus.                                                                                                                    Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines/acquires items for the GPUS. RM: doing designs.                                                                                                                                Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS: EG and LT: the selected top four slogans have been selected and released for use.                                               Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout the world: BW-C and SMD: no activity.                                                                                                                 Platform (PC): promotes positions of the GPUS which are consistent with GP 10 Key Values. AVN, JMcC and JSK: no activity.                                                                                                                         Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC):  strategies to support a GPUS presidential candidate: TMcK: committee is going to state GPs to determine how they select their delegates to the GPUS Presidential Convention and how they conduct their own state GP conventions. People can go on the GPUS website, Presidential Candidate Forum to learn more about candidates. SMD:  GPCT is the only US GP which has a recognized federal account for GPCT federal candidates.                                                                                                                                                           Women’s Caucus.                                                                                                                                                            8. Motion was made by BAB and seconded by SMD. Motion carried i.e. Consensus of support for a GPCT candidate support committee: Volunteers sought to provide campaign assistance to the 2015 municipal GPCT candidates. Dates and times of meetings: to be determined.                                                             9. Reports about our GPCT 2015 legislative proposals to the CT Legislative: BAB: 4-25-15 GPCT Annual Meeting attendees support GPCT going forward with these proposals into the 2016 CT legislative session. CT public banking:  SMD: he and perhaps Ed Heflin will meet with CT Deputy Speaker of the House, Rep. Susan Johnson in Fall of 2015.  Urban/suburban/rural farm to table food chain:  Paul Gobell and Barbara Barry and 4-25-15 volunteers working on list of 600 CT farm contacts.     Demilitarization of the police/law enforcement officials: Rolf Maurer and Barbara Barry.     Universal healthcare: Barbara Barry.   Promotions of MUDs (municipal utility districts): Barbara Barry and S. Michael DeRosa.     Common Core Curriculum reform:  Baird Welch-Collins, Emily Garfinkel and Joshua Steele Kelly.       Renewable energy:  Ed Heflin and S. Michael DeRosa.   Ballot access:  S. Michael DeRosa.   Decriminalization of cannabis and use of hemp economy: Rolf Maurer, Baird Welch-Collins and Cindy Day.   Conversion of military property/businesses to renewable energy sources:  S. Michael DeRosa and Rolf Maurer.                                                                                                                          10. GPCT Budget Committee:  Linda Thompson and Christopher Reilly.  Ronna Stuller volunteered for this committee. BAB provided historic GPCT budget information to this committee. LT: need money for merchandise; money to petition for the GPUS 2016 presidential candidate; support GPCT candidates and advertise events in the print and digital media.

11. GPCT Conflict Resolution Committee as recommended by the 4-25-15 Conflict Resolution Workshop attendees. Volunteers: LT from Norwich Chapter, Bud McAllister of New London City Chapter, E. Larry Kern of Groton (at-large). BAB: per our GPCT requirements for GPCT committees: need volunteers from each chapter and from underrepresented geographic areas of GPCT members not associated with chapters i.e. at-large members. Baird Welch-Collins of Waterford Chapter and Emily Garfinkel of Greater Hartford Chapter came forward as additional volunteers. However, there are no volunteers from New Haven to Greenwich, Farmington/New Britain to Danbury i.e. the south, mid and western parts of CT nor from the Northeast (Quiet Corner).                                                                                                                                                             12. GPCT Fundraising Committee report about possible future fundraisers: SMD and DO to seek a Wheeler’s restaurant site in Woodbridge (Greater New Haven area) for fundraiser. ML: October is good time. Need speaker. Consensus: event to be open to the public. BW-C: need to fundraise.                                                                                                                            13. Report from Linda Thompson of the GPCT Outreach Committee:  LT: this committee should work with GPCT Fundraising Committee. Goal setting i.e. selection of GPCT member liaisons with other CT organizations with similar values e.g. Able Child,  HempCT, CT Sierra Club,  True Colors, Environmental Justice Network, NAACP, organizations supporting urban/suburban/rural farm to table farming.   DB: GPCT invited to the August 7, 2015 6PM event by the Socialist Action at Place Neighborhood Link, Stamford; 76 Selleck Street. Mission statement: support for immigrants. Goal: strengthen social and political awareness.                                                                                                                                                                   14. Algonquin Pipeline: Tim McKee, GPCT liaison no longer at meeting. GPCT joined an alliance of GPs of NJ, NY, RI, MA, PA, OH, WV, ME and the GPUS in opposing the expansion of this pipeline of fracked oil and gas.. Here's a link to the Spectra Energy description of the project: .   BW-C and Jeff Russell attended the Willimantic Town Hall forum of July 21, 2015: What do Gas Pipelines, Fracking & Climate Change mean for Windham? BW-C: had large GPCT banner and spoke with multiple media people. Got article and picture in Hartford Courant. SMD: A.I.M. has bought property in Willimantic. Governor Mallory stated his goal was to have 240,000 households use gas. Senator Fonfara, State Senate, 1st District: is co-chairperson of CT Legislative Energy Committee.                                                                              15.  a) Past events of  interest to the GPCT: Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign in Philadelphia,  Thursday, June 25, 2015: no one went. b) Future event: 8-7-15 in Stamford, CT. 16. GPCT chapter reports: Greater Fairfield: DB: August Nominating Convention; Greater Hartford: BAB: next meeting: 8-4-15 at 6:30PM at Wethersfield Town Hall. Seeking candidates for our ballot lines for 1st Congressional District and State Senate; Greater Norwich: LT: no municipal candidates; City of New London: RS: RS and TH for City Council. Mirna Martinez and Jason Morris for Board of Education; Waterford: BW-C: 7-5-15 Nominating Convention: candidates: Bill Collins for Board of Selectman, Kevin Kelly for Board of Education, Baird Welch-Collins for RTM (Representative Town Meeting) District 2 and Deb Roselli Kelly for RTM, District 3, Joshua Steele Kelly for Zoning Board of Appeals, Alternate.  and b) written approved minutes to the CTGP secretary from RS.                                                                                                                                             17.  Other suggestions: a) need GPCT website discussion site; b) need GPCT committee websites. BAB: have established GPCT committee websites; c) DB placed in motion: redesign Facebook to be either private or public d) position Facebook and listserv ethics/decorum at the top of the pages. Motion was seconded by SMD and BAB. Motion carried. Consensus: to support motion.                      18. Consensus: Date of next SCC meeting: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 6:30PM. Place: to be determined.      

GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality.  Submitted by Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary for the GPCT EC: Linda Thompson, S. Michael DeRosa, Rolf Maurer and Christopher Reilly.