Approved Minutes of the SCC meeting of Tuesday, September 8, 2015. Quorum met. Started at: 6:30PM Location: Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT   06480                                  GPCT attendees by chapter: Greater Fairfield: Cora Santaguida and Rolf Maurer, GPCT co-chairperson. Greater Hartford: Mary Lawrence, Christopher Reilly, GPCT treasurer; Emily Garfinkel, S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chairperson; Brian Guy; Jeff Russell, Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary; City of New London: Ronna Stuller; Waterford: Baird Welch-Collins. At Large GPCT members: Stephanie Piddock, Torrington; Allan Brison, Hamden and Wes Kasprow, Madison. Other attendees: Karen Laski, Manchester; Glaucia S. Lolli, Northford.     Facilitator: Rolf Maurer, GPCT co-chairperson.

1.  a) approved by consensus: minutes of the 7-28-15 Nominating Convention and the 7-28-15 SCC meetings;     b) accepted by consensus: EC minutes of the August 17, 2015  & August 31, 2015 EC meetings.

2.  Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: received check from Bill Kreml, who is one of the GPUS candidates vying to be the GPUS 2016 presidential candidate. His enclosed letter indicated he wishes his check be used to support GPCT efforts to petition to acquire GPCT ballot access for the 2016 GPCT presidential candidate. CR: the check with be deposited in the GPCT federal account. Current bank balance without this check: $728.03.

3. Secretary’s report from SMD: He has been in contact with the lawyer of the CT SEEC (State Elections Enforcement Commission) regarding the CT state funds used by Democratic and Republican candidates in their campaigns for state office. The lawyer reaffirmed that by CT General Statutes: only unclaimed funds from CT financial institutions can be used. However, if there are not enough funds to cover handouts to these candidates, then CT general statutes indicate that money can be borrowed from general funds. I.e. these funds need to be repaid. However, the lawyer did not say when this must be done nor did he know if general funds were ever needed to support the financial campaigns of Democrats and Republicans seeking CT offices. Consensus: SMD and BAB are urged to continue seeking further information about the financial paper trail for these candidates.         

4.  Reports from our 3 representatives to the GPUS National Committee:  Joshua Steele Kelly, and S. Michael DeRosa. Linda Thompson was absent. Discussed: a) GPUS Steering Committee 8-23-15 draft minutes;              b) nominations for whom should be the GPUS 2016 presidential candidates are being vetted by the GPUS Credentials Committee: nominations closed 9-5-15. c) JSK did not garner sufficient votes to be elected to GPUS Steering Committee. d) BAB: GPUS-GP State Liaison Committee of the GPUS CCC: GPUS Steering Committee requested BAB be one of 10 national representatives to this committee. 1st meeting is 9-15-15. Coordinated Campaign Committee tasked with supporting candidates and state campaigns. Goal for the State Liaison program is to have more open lines of communication directly between the CCC and state candidates in a given state, through a point person who is the “go-to” person for campaigning in that state (which wasn’t always the NC). This is the first of more conference calls.

5. Addendum I: Proposal for a GPCT Animal Rights Committee from Mary Lawrence and seven other GPCT members. Subject: Proposal to adopt the Green Party of Connecticut Animal Rights Committee. 

Presenter: Mary Lawrence, Wethersfield, Greater Hartford Green Party, 76 Saxon Road, Wethersfield, CT 06109   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   860-985-1645.

Endorsed by more than five (5) valid GPCT members: Tiffany Walker-Roper, East Hartford, i.e. Greater Hartford chapter of Green Party of CT; Lauri MacLean, Bridgeport, i.e. Fairfield County chapter of GPCT; Allan Brison, Hamden area of GPCT; Wes Kasprow, Madison member of the GPCT. From the Greater Hartford chapter of the GPCT: Mary Lawrence, Wethersfield; S. Michael DeRosa, Wethersfield; Christopher Reilly, West Hartford and Barbara Barry, Wethersfield.

Background: Animals are members of our society, and they currently have inadequate protection by our state laws as well as representation within the Green Party of Connecticut. We need an animal rights committee dedicated to addressing their needs through legislation and public policy. 

Financial commitment or valid fundraising ability to the GPCT: No funds are required to establish or operate the Green Party of Connecticut Animal Rights Committee. However, the committee may serve as a vehicle for soliciting funds from individual donors who are in support of our mission to protect animals to be used at the discretion of the GPCT.  

Proposal:   Mission and Description The Animal Rights Committee (ARC) exists to speak on behalf of the non-human animals who share our planet and represent their concerns to the Green Party of Connecticut (GPCT). The concept of animal rights is based on the premise that sentient individuals of all species deserve to be treated with fairness, justice, and respect. ARC supports the four pillars of the Green Party: ecological wisdom, social justice, grassroots democracy, and non-violence, and is governed by Article 3 of the bylaws of the GPUS. ARC shall be the voice for animals in the GPCT to protect animals in all categories that are subject to some form of human influence – companion animals, exotic pets, farmed animals, laboratory animals, animals in sport and entertainment, endangered/threatened species, and captive wild animals – which will demonstrate that the GPCT is serious about animal protection.

Policies and Procedures The Animal Rights Committee is comprised of volunteers from the Green Party of Connecticut.  ARC shall maintain an online forum for the communication of committee business and to use in formal decision making. Members of ARC actively campaign for stronger animal protection through involvement in animal legislation initiatives, attending animal demonstrations and protests, holding information sessions, distributing leaflets, outreach and social media. Members are welcome to address animal issues with ARC, provide input for incorporating the animal rights message into state and local government, and participate in consensus decision making or quorum voting. Jeff Russell placed into motion. Allan Brison seconded. Consensus: Motion passed.

6. GPCT endorsed GPCT candidates for the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 elections: a) Ronna Stuller, New London City Council: support wise use of streets, bike paths and walking sites. Oppose the CT-appointed superintendent of the New London Board of Education. b) Baird Welch-Collins, Waterford RTM (Representative Town Meeting), District. GPCT candidates were interviewed by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). The registered independent candidate for 1st selectman, typically votes Democratic sort out the Greens about their concepts. He has now spoken in private discussions about support for some Green concepts. However, he has not gone public with these statements.   c) Rolf Maurer for Stamford Board of Education: about half of the current Democrats on the BOE are not re-running; the City Manager of Public Schools has been accused of mismanagement of its funds. Increasingly school systems around the country are opting out of Common Core.       d) Absent candidates: Ben Holden, Canton Selectman (2 year term); Hector Lopez, New Canaan Constable;John Amarilios, New Canaan Constable; Leif Smith, Redding Constable; Timothy Hanser, New London City Council; Mirna Martinez, New London Board of Education; Jason Morris, New London Board of Education; Billy G. Collins, Waterford Board of Selectman; Kevin P. Kelly Waterford Board of Education; Deb Roselli Kelly, Waterford RTM (Representative Town Meeting), District 3; Joshua Steele Kelly, Waterford Zoning Board of Appeals, Alternate.

7. GPCT “alternate(s)” to GPUS National Committees and Standing Committees: BAB provided: a) Addendum II: GPUS Bylaws: delegates, alternates, advisors and observers to the National Committee (NC) and Standing Committees. Bylaws were reviewed and discussed. There are 3 categories of activity for GPUS NC and SC: 1. DELEGATES i.e. MEMBERS - Committee Membership shall be defined as being a voting member of a committee who may take part in all decision making. Committee members shall be selected by their committees according to individual committee P&Ps. All committee members shall be approved by their respective state parties according to written, democratically derived state party rules that ensure full and open due process.   2. ADVISORS - It shall be at the discretion of committees to select advisors. Advisor status shall be determined by individual committees in their P&Ps . Anyone may serve as a committee advisor. Advisors shall enjoy limited participation in committee deliberations as determined by committees' written P&Ps . Advisors shall not be voting members of a committee, shall not formally introduce proposals and shall not represent either the committee or the party. Advisors shall serve one-year terms and will be eligible for re-election. State parties shall be free to express objections to committees regarding specific advisors. Such objections shall be considered by committee members in their deliberations. 3. OBSERVERS - Committee approved observers may monitor the listserv activity of a committee but cannot participate in discussions or votes. Observers must be approved by committees according to their P&P documents.    A vacancy shall exist when a seat was not filled in an election; or when a member has submitted a written statement of resignation to theNational Committees Votes List; is recalled, is no longer a Green Party member or dies or becomes incapacitated to act. BAB: vacancies are may be filled if any of these three situations arises i.e. on an “As Needed” basis i.e. cannot be done ahead of time. No committee can have more than their allotted delegates at any given time. CR placed into motion i.e. reality: there is no such thing as an “alternate” to any GPUS National Committee or Standing Committee per the GPUS bylaws. There are no current vacancies of GPCT members to any of the GPUS National Committee and/or Standing Committees. That is: no GPCT members to the GPUS NC or the SC have: resigned from being a Green Party member or is incapacitated or has died. Therefore by definition, there are no vacancies to be filled. So no action is to be taken by the GPCT at this time. BAB seconded the motion. Motion passed. Consensus: yes. Blocking concerns: no.

ALSO: Jeff Russell sought to be a GPCT member to the GPUS Ballot Access Standing Committee. SMD placed his name in motion for this. BAB: seconded the motion. Motion passed. Consensus: for JR to be GPCT member to the GPUS Ballot Access Standing Committee.

8. GPCT 2015 Candidate Support Committee: Volunteers sought to provide campaign assistance to the 2015 municipal GPCT candidates.  Dates and times of meetings: none requested so far.

9. (GPUS 2016 presidential candidates: a) Jill Stein. b) William “Bill” Kreml author of books on Political Science and Philosophy talks about his past political experience running for office and how that lead him to the Green Party and this Presidential Campaign, c) Darryl Cherney,  d) Kent Mesplay,  and  e) Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza Curry. f) GPCT Petition School for the fall of 2015: about how to authenticate petitions of the petition holder; we need a list of people to authenticate; consider paying petitioners in January 2016; consider mailing petitions to GPCT members who may which to be petition holders; remind petition holders to make photocopies of petitions after they are authenticated. Reason: to be able for GPCT to challenge if needed. Need 7500 valid petition signatures for president/senate so goal is for 15,000 signatures. BAB: need to select GPCT seven (7) presidential electors in fall 2015 so they can be provided to the SOTS prior to the 1st business day of 2016: January 4, 2016. f) Jill Stein as garnered $3713 in donations from CT (as of 9-5-15) which are eligible for matching federal campaign funds. Her goal is to acquire $5000 in funds (which are eligible for matching funds) from 20 Green Party states. Discussed urging GPCT members and interested citizens to donate to Jill Stein or any other Green of their choice who is seeking the endorsement of the GPUS to be our 2016 presidential candidate.    g) other 2016 GPCT candidates for federal office: Stephanie Piddock is considering being the GPCT 2016 candidate for 5th Congressional District.                                                                                

10. Updates from our representatives from each (GPUS) Standing Committee:                                              Accreditation (AC): reviews state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions                                                                                                                       Annual National Meeting (ANMC):  working on the 2016 GPUS Annual Meeting                                                             Ballot Access (BA): discussion of efforts/strategies of the state GPs gaining ballot access: SMD: Bill Kreml, who is seeking to be the GPUS 2016 presidential candidate, has given a total of $5000 to various state GPs in efforts to financially support state efforts e.g. petitioning to acquire GPUS presidential ballot line. Libertarian Party of CT and the CT ACLU are considering a lawsuit regarding CT regulations which prohibit out-of-state registered voters to petition in CT about CT issues. And see Items 2 and 7 above.                                                                                                      Black Caucus                                                                                                                                                                   Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure(BRPP): for GPUS officers & national committees: absent: AVN & JSK                      Coordinated Campaign Committee: (CCC): is a standing committee of the GPUS that cooperates with state and local chapters in the support of federal, state, and local Green Party electoral campaigns through a variety of different programs and support functions. See Item 4 above.                                                                                                                  Credentials Committee (CredCom): The general charge of the Credentials Committee is to facilitate the credentialing of delegates to the Presidential Nominating Convention of the GPUS. See Item 4 above.                                                                             Dispute Resolution (DRC): mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization.                                                    Diversity (DC):  strategies/actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS: EG: no activity.                                                                  Eco Action (EA): develop strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters.                               Finance (Fincom): determine how to spend the GPUS money.                                                                                            Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS.                                                                                                                    Green National Committee (NC): The Green National Committee is the highest decision-making body of the Green Party of the United States. Membership consists of all voting delegates from state GPs and caucuses.                                                                                                                   Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS  website.                                                    ?????   International Committee (IC): promotes GPUS positions re: world issues: Absent: JSK and JMcC.                                       Latino Caucus: BAB: GPUS is seeking members for this committee.                                                                                                                                                                     Lavender Caucus                                                                                                                                                                   Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases                                                                                           Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines/acquires items for the GPUS                                                         National Women’s Caucus                                                                                                                                              Outreach (OC): interacts with groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS: EG: no report. Absent: LT                                 Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout the world: BW-C: no activity.                                                                                                                                                                Platform (PC): promotes positions of the GPUS which are consistent with GP 10 Key Values: absent: Joshua Steele Kelly, Amy Vas Nunes and Justine McCabe                                                                                               Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC):  strategies to support a GPUS presidential candidate: representative, Tim McKee, was absent. BAB: GPUS Bylaws adopted 1-6-08: established a GP Presidential Nominating Convention (PNC) Credentials Committee. The PNC members shall be elected in a single election and it is to be called and conducted by the Steering Committee (the 7 GPUS co-chairpersons) shall be called in a single election. Any properly vetted GP member can serve who will be attending the 2016 PNC except the steering committee. No more than 2 representatives per state.                                                                                                                                          Young Greens of the US: engage youth in Green issues and give members a voice within the GPUS. Membership is open to US youths age 14-35 who identify as Green, support the GPUS 10 Key Values and generally agree with the GPUS platform and missions. Co-chairperson: JSK was absent.                                                                                              GPUS Steering Committee (SC): Co-chairs:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.– VA;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.– Colorado;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – Washington, DC; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – NE;   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – CA;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – VA;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – NY.  Treasurer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.– HI.   Secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.– Washington.   Report: $21K but bill reduce balance to $8500. Fundraising: income is on and off; next fundraising letter: September with climate crisis theme. Outreach requests $750 for 2000 brochures: approved by consensus. Consensus: reopen applications for nominations to the Credentials Committee for 8-24-15; nominations open to 9-5-15; discussion to 9-13-15; voting until 9-20-15. SC approves by vote: “Bernie Sanders Q&A” for Internal distribution. Personnel: insurance benefits deferred until 1-16.                                                                                                                            Voting Page : no applicable                                                                                                                                                                      Delegate Apportionment (DAC): no report                                                                                                                                 Green House Campaign Committee (GHCC): support/webinars for Green candidates for U.S. Congressional House of Representatives: no report                                                                                                                                             Green Senatorial Campaign Committee (GSCC): support/webinars for U.S. Senate Green candidates: no report                                                                                                                                                      

11. GPCT Budget Committee: Christopher Reilly reported: Set goal of: working up the anticipated expenditures for the next three years then set other goals. Ronna Stuller agreed with this summary. Absent: Linda Thompson.

12. Deferred due to lack of members of this committee. GPCT Conflict Resolution Committee as recommended by the 4-25-15 Conflict Resolution Workshop attendees

13. GPCT Fundraising Committee report:  a) Wednesday, 6:30PM October 21, 2015 fundraiser at Wheeler’s Restaurant, 180 Amity Rd, Woodbridge, CT 06525   (203) 553-9055. Speaker: Jeff Cordulack, the new Executive Director of CT NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association). Mary Lawrence (who is a chef) is promoting the event and interacting with Wheeler’s chef on the menu.                                                                                                         b) Any donations may be mailed to: Green Party of Connecticut, P.O. Box 231214, Hartford, CT 06123-1214.

14. Report from the GPCT Outreach Committee:  goal setting i.e. selection of GPCT member liaisons with other CT organizations with similar values e.g. RM: Able Child helped pass legislation for the labeling of prescription meds including: effect, side effects, toxic effects and the phone number to call for any concerns about toxic effects, suicidal or homicidal thoughts/behaviors.   SMD: CT Sierra Club continues to organize protests, events and educational forums about the ill effects of fracking on: humans, animals, geological, water and air. E.g. Willimantic protest about the already done expansion of the Algonquin Pipeline along a river. Some expansion is on private land. Many observers/residents were unaware that methane is routinely released(when pressure is high) into the air. ML: Northeast Organic Farm Association (NOFA): see #13 above. No reports from: HempCT, True Colors, Environmental Justice Network, NAACP, organizations supporting urban/suburban/rural farm to table farming.

15. Algonquin Pipeline: See #14 above. Absent: Tim McKee, GPCT liaison with organizations opposing the expansion of the Algonquin Pipeline. The energy company plans to expand the pipeline to a ME seaport so fracked oil and gas may be exported. The alliance includes GPs of NJ, NY, RI, MA, PA, OH, WV, ME and the GPUS. Here's a link to the Spectra Energy description of the project:                                                    

16. Future events of interest to the GPCT: a) 9-13-15 Forum by at Friends Meeting House across from the New Haven Green. Subject: negative effects of animal agriculture on geography and climate effects on the globe.   b) 9-17-15 Oxford protest against the fracking. and c) October 16-20, 2015 Peace Conference in Washington, D.C. Forum about the effects of War. Speaker: David Swanson.

17. GPCT chapter reports:  a) Greater Fairfield: CS, RM and DB: Black Lives Matter protest. Goal: get more Black males to talk with law enforcement officials. Observations: Limited police participated who dressed in full professional gear. ACLU spoke about civil and legal rights of civilians. Police did not address these rights. DB signed up voters using CT voter registration forms.   b) Greater Hartford: ML, BAB, DI, CR and SMD: 8 GPCT members supported ML’s proposal for a GPCT Animal Rights Committee (ARC) and was forwarded to today’s SCC attendees. Multiple attendees attended due to our legislative proposals and will stay in contact with the chapter and vice versa: need for demilitarization of law enforcement officials as it is traumatizing children as young as 2 year old; police no longer seen as “trusted” by the minority community; need to decrease racial profiling: police denied to CT legislators that it occurs. Every non-white legislator stated they have been pulled over by police for unknown reasons while driving their cars with CT Legislator license plates. Police had no response. Medical cannabis employee attended. Medical research to be presented to the 2016 CT legislators to add the following conditions to medical cannabis treatment list: psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and failed back surgery. Need to decriminalize marijuana due to PTST. This is supported by GPCT legislative proposal and by HempCT. David Ionno, Vietnam War vet and member of Veterans for Peace spoke about homelessness and difficulty that vets have getting their rights from the VA.   Chris Reilly: attended 4-15-15 protest in Hartford to support the local and state-wide need for a minimum wage of $15.00. SMD: called the national office of the FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission): only FERC has power over zoning. States do NOT have any rights.   c) Greater Norwich: deferred. d) City of New London: RS: tag sale garnered $600; Democratic primary is next week then the NL Greens will do door-to-door canvassing. Table at music festival 9-19-15 from 2PM to 10PM. Campaign goals: park clean ups, trying to fill vacancies in NL commissions. Support equality and diversity based on the Minnesota model.   e) Waterford: BW-C: candidates plan to use $500 for lawn signs. The RTM is essentially like a town council i.e. acts as a legislative body while the Board of Selectman acts as an administrative body. f) written approved minutes to the CTGP secretary

17.  Date of next SCC meeting: Tuesday, October 13, 2015. Place to be determined.      

GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality.  Submitted by Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary for the GPCT EC: Linda Thompson, S. Michael DeRosa, Rolf Maurer and Christopher Reilly.


ADDENDUM II: GPUS delegates, alternates, advisors and observers to the National Committee (NC) and Standing Committees.              A delegate to the National Committee may cast an additional vote at a National Conference in place of an absent delegate, as long as the total number of votes cast for that state does not exceed its total allowed votes on the National Committee, or twice the number of voting delegates in attendance. The apportionment to the various state parties and caucuses of delegates to the National Committee shall be determined by rules established by the National Committee and incorporated into a Rules document separate from these Bylaws.

Bylaws of the Green Party of the United States: Table Of Contents                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Article I. Purpose                                                                                                         Article II. Membership and The National Committee:1. Definitions, 2. National Committee, 3. Sustaining Membership

Article III. Committees: Section 6-2Discussion and Vote, Section 6-3Vacancy, Section 6-4Recall

Article VII. Ethical Standards
Article VIII. (reserved)
Article IX. Platform

ARTICLE I. PURPOSE: 1. Assist in the development of State Green Parties. 2. Create a legally structured national Green Party Federation

ARTICLE II:   MEMBERSHIP AND THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE:  1. Definitions: The term "state" as used in these bylaws shall refer to any state, commonwealth, district or territory entitled to voting representation or non-voting delegate status in the United States House of Representatives. The term "underrepresented group" as used in these bylaws shall refer to any grouping of Greens, not explicitly ideological in nature, that has historically failed to attain adequate access to power in society at-large and/or within the Green movement, as determined by the National Committee.

2. National Committee:The National Committee of the Green Party of the United States shall consist of the representatives of state parties and accredited caucuses of underrepresented groups. The National Committee shall be the final decision-making body of the Green Party of the United States. The National Committee shall approve a democratic deliberative Platform process that encourages and facilitates discussion and debate among Greens at all levels, leading to voting in each even numbered year to consider amendments to revise the Platform. The presidential nominating convention of the Green Party is the delegated decision-making body responsible for nominating the national Green Party's presidential and vice presidential candidates and approving the Green Party's national platform in those years in which it convenes" Meeting of the National Committee and the nominating convention may be attended by Greens who are not voting representatives or delegates. A delegate to the National Committee may cast an additional vote at a National Conference in place of an absent delegate, as long as the total number of votes cast for that state does not exceed its total allowed votes on the National Committee, or twice the number of voting delegates in attendance. The apportionment to the various state parties and caucuses of delegates to the National Committee shall be determined by rules established by the National Committee and incorporated into a Rules document separate from these Bylaws.

3. Sustaining Membership: Individuals may become sustaining members of the Green Party of the United States by paying dues set by the National Committee on a sliding scale based on ability to pay. Members of state parties shall be actively encouraged to become sustaining members of the Green Party of the United States. Sustaining members shall receive the Association's publications and other benefits as determined by the National Committee.

ARTICLE III. COMMITTEES: "The National Committee of the Green Party of the United States shall establish standing committees and may create other committees according to need. The NC shall cause to be produced, and then approve a document for each committee including the purpose, duties and general charge of the committee, as a part of the process of creating a committee. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for oversight for all committees and ensure that the NC is kept informed about the work of the committees. Delegates to the NC shall automatically be eligible to serve on committees by virtue of their position. Other committee members shall be members of a state green party and have written permission from their state party to serve. Permission shall be submitted by the NC delegates or State Party co-chairs from the various states to the co-chairs of the relevant committee, and can be submitted on paper or via email. No state shall have more than three members per committee without a waiver from the Steering Committee. No committee shall have fewer than five states represented.

There shall be three categories of activity for GPUS committees:

1. DELEGATES i.e. MEMBERS - Committee Membership shall be defined as being a voting member of a committee who may take part in all decision making. Committee members shall be selected by their committees according to individual committee P&Ps. All committee members shall be approved by their respective state parties according to written, democratically derived state party rules that ensure full and open due process.

2. ADVISORS - It shall be at the discretion of committees to select advisors. Advisor status shall be determined by individual committees in their P&Ps . Anyone may serve as a committee advisor. Advisors shall enjoy limited participation in committee deliberations as determined by committees' written P&Ps . Advisors shall not be voting members of a committee, shall not formally introduce proposals and shall not represent either the committee or the party. Advisors shall serve one-year terms and will be eligible for re-election. State parties shall be free to express objections to committees regarding specific advisors. Such objections shall be considered by committee members in their deliberations.

3. OBSERVERS - Committee approved observers may monitor the listserv activity of a committee but cannot participate in discussions or votes. Observers must be approved by committees according to their P&P documents.                                                                            Furthermore, committees may communicate with individual Greens on an as needed basis on specific matters of mutual import. All committees shall:   1) develop written rules, policies and procedure (RP&P) documents which must be approved by the National Committee. 2) use consensus-seeking procedure with backup voting for all decision making, and codify the procedure in their RP&Ps.  3) when voting, vote by state with each state casting one vote. The NC or the SC may, in their reviews of the work of a committee, allow a committee to waive the one state, one vote rule and replace it with a one member, one vote standard.    4) codify RP&Ps used to conduct general committee business and, when appropriate, codify rules for decision making via conference calls, email, and/or in-person meetings. 5) report to the NC on a regular basis and set up a schedule for written reporting, with monthly reports being the standard unless otherwise approved by the NC. 6) develop policies and procedures by which minority opinions on committee business that relate to the internal workings of the Green Party may be conveyed to the NC. 7) have two co-chairs unless directed to have a different number by the NC. Gender balance and co-chairs from different states shall be the norm, though under extraordinary circumstances committees may choose another arrangement. 8) detail all non-co-chair leadership position (e.g. secretary, coordinators etc.) in the committee's RP&P document.  9) conduct elections for leadership slots using preference voting and codify election procedures in their RP&P document. 10) make available to all members of the committee a packet including all rules, policies and procedures and provide other training and orientation, as appropriate, for new members. This material shall also be available on the committee website. 11) set up guidelines for member participation, with an emphasis on ensuring participation as a requirement of membership and/or participation in consensus decision making or quorum voting.

ARTICLE V. VOTING RULES: The National Committee shall strive for consensus in decision making. If consensus is not possible, decision shall be passed by majority vote with the required presens quorum and the required consens quorum. Presens quorum: In order for a decision to pass, at least one delegate from each of two-thirds of the states must be present.

A delegate is "present" when: 1) (physical meeting:) he or she is physically at the location (in the room) where the vote is taken at the time the vote is taken; or 2) phone or web conference: he or she is connected live to all other participants at the time the vote is taken; or 3) email voting: he or she submits to the floor manger within the voting period a vote or an abstention. Consens quorum: In order for a decision on rules, by-laws, and platform issues  to pass, a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all votes cast is required. For all other decision, a simple majority (more than 50%) of all votes cast  is required. A majority can be reached in a run-off vote or by the use of  instant-run-off procedures.  Abstentions are not "votes" for purpose of this sections; therefore an  abstention shall count towards the presens quorum, but shall be disregarded  for purposes of the consens quorum. For proposals that provide options other than "yes" and "no," all delegates  shall be given the additional option of casting a vote for "none of the  above." "None of the above" cast by a delegate shall be a "vote" for purposes  of this section.

Section 6-3 Vacancy: 6-3.1  A vacancy shall exist when a seat was not filled in an election; or when a member has submitted a written statement of resignation to theNational Committees Votes List; is recalled, is no longer a Green Party member or dies or becomes incapacitated to act.

ARTICLE VII. ETHICAL STANDARDS: The Green Party accepts that it cannot order the internal politics of its member states. Even so, the Green Party does have a vested interest in ensuring that the internal politics of the Green Parties of the member states meet the highest ethical standards and adhere to Green Values. The Green Party therefore urges member states to: 1.In theory and practice commit to having a membership and leadership reflective of the diversity of the human population within their own states. 2.Commit to opposing racism, sexism, ageism, classism, discrimination against the differently-abled, and other forms of prejudice within the State Green Party and in the larger society. The Green Party recognizes that winner-take-all/first-past-the-post electoral practices serve to maintain an outdated power structure and prevent members of minority groups from having an adequate impact on policy decisions or serving in leadership position.

Therefore the Green Party urges member states to: 1.Use proportional representation, as organizational capability develops, to elect their internal leadership and their delegates to the Green Party and/or Green conventions. 2. The Green Party recognizes that there are a multiplicity of proportional representation voting systems. As long as the form employed is fair, honest, and does honor the principles that encourage the participation that hold minority viewpoints, are members of minority groups, or are from the various geographic regions of the state, the Green Party shall not discriminate against any of the forms chosen by state parties when examining the applications for membership of newly-joining states or in its dealings with the current membership.

Updates: Originally Approved January 29, 2002. Updated: April 19, 2004.   Article VI updated January 05, 2005. Updated text with CC to NC and GPUS conversions September 3, 2005.   Article V updated May 08, 2006. Updated: INSERT DATE HERE.   Article II updated July 15, 2005. proposal #158:
Restoration of Proxy Voting at National Meetings.   Article II update April 15, 2007, proposal #272: Allocation of Delegates to the Green National Committee amended August 12, 2007, w/ proposal #303: Amendment to Article II of proposal #272:      
Article VI updated June 18, 2006, proposal #222: Resolution to Amend the Rules and Procedures on Steering Committee Elections Policy. Article VI updated April 2, 2006, proposal #216: Steering Committee Recall       Article VI updated July 6, 2008, proposal #356- Same Day SC Nominations & Elections.      Article VI updated April 19, 2009, proposal #389 - Election of Steering Committee Online.   Article II updated November 22, 2009, proposal #420 - to Allow for a Two-Year Platform Cycle. Article II updated December 13, 2009, proposal #425 - Housekeeping Amendment to GPUS Bylaws, Regarding Platform Cycle.       Article II updated December 13, 2009, proposal #428 - Proposal to Amend GPUS Platform in Sections.    Article VI updated April 4, 2010, proposal #4444 - Proposal to Amend Steering Committee Elections Procedures Bylaws of the Green Party of the United States , Updated 2010.05.09.    Article IV updated May 9, 2010, proposal #449 –

GPUS Bylaws Amendment, Steering Committees.   Article VI updated May 9, 2010, proposal #449 - GPUS Bylaws Amendment, Steering Committees.


GPCT…September 8, 2015 SCC meeting ADDENDUM III: GPCT policies regarding Appointments to GPUS Committees.

1. State Central Committee: The State Central Committee shall be composed of Connecticut Green Party officers and Chapter representatives. Committee Chairpersons shall participate in an advisory capacity. Each Chapter shall have one representative for each five.                                                The State Central Committee shall be responsible for formulation of Statements of Purpose and Principles and basic plans for organization, programs, financing, and strategy.

The State Central Committee shall be responsible acting on petitions for formation and acceptance of new Chapters and for determining and directing all action required for implementation of established Purposes and Plans. In so doing, the State Central Committee may establish subordinate committees, expend Party funds, take or direct all action required for the execution of established Purposes and plans, and coordinate all joint Chapter activities.

So far as possible, the State Central Committee shall delegate detail discussion and action to appropriate Committees, limiting its personnel time and resources to question of basic policy and plans.

The State Central Committee shall maintain Minutes of all its meetings, stating the subject of all significant matters discussed, program action status, basic reasons for decisions, votes on any motion, and the causes of any significant dissent. Copies of such approved or accepted minutes shall be forwarded to each Chapter within two weeks of each meeting.

Attendance by at least one representative of two thirds or more of all Chapters shall be required for formal consideration of any significant motion or proposal, and a majority vote of the representatives present shall be required for approval. [Changed from “three quarters or more of all Chapters” by bylaws revision process culminating in an SCC vote at the June 2004 SCC meeting].

II. Party Structure and Functions: e) Election/Appointment of Officials: In the initial organization of the Green Party of Connecticut under the Bylaws enacted by the State Central Committee, the Co-chairpersons, shall be elected by a majority vote of the State Central Committee and shall hold office for one year or until the following Green Party of Connecticut Convention, whichever occurs first. At the following Annual Meetings, the Green Party of Connecticut Co-Chairpersons, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected by an absolute majority vote of the members, as established if necessary by successive preferential voting. Other offices shall be filled by volunteers approved the State Central Committee, and/or by appointment of individuals proposed by responsible members and approved by the State Central Committee. All Executive Committee officers and other officers shall be elected for a term of one year from the time of election or appointment until the next annual Connecticut Green Party meeting.