Approved Minutes of the October 13, 2015 GPCT SCC meeting. Quorum met. Social from 6PM to 6:30PM. Meeting start time: 6:30PM. Location: Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT 06480 GPCT attendees by chapter: Greater Fairfield: Cora Santaguida, Rolf Maurer, co-chairperson and David Bedell; Greater Hartford: Mary Lawrence, S. Michael DeRosa, co-chairperson; Christopher Reilly, Treasurer; Barbara Barry, secretary; Waterford: Baird Welch-Collins and Emily Garfinkel. At large member: Allan Brison of Hamden. Facilitator: Rolf Maurer, co-chairperson.
1. Approved minutes of: September 8, 2015 SCC meeting and accepted October 6, 2015 EC meeting. 2. Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: balance: $921.70; Federal account: ~$400. 3. Secretary’s report from Barbara Barry is on GPUS-GPCT State Liaison Committee of the GPUS CCC: GPUS Steering Committee requested BAB be one of 10 national representatives to this committee. 1st meeting was 9-15-15. Coordinated Campaign Committee tasked with supporting candidates and state campaigns. Goal for the State Liaison program is to have more open lines of communication directly between the CCC and state candidates in a given state, through a point person who is the “go-to” person for campaigning in that state (which wasn’t always the NC). Attendees thought GPCT candidate support conferences were “a good idea”. Petition schools are useful. This is the first of more conference calls. 4. Report from our 3 representatives to the GPUS National Committee: absent: Joshua Steele Kelly and Linda Thompson. SMD: GPUS a) proposal 793: for formation of a Latinx Caucus, approved 8-20-15; b) proposal 796: amend bylaws to: “all candidates (to GPUS SC) must accept nominations by the end of the nominating period.”. discussion through 10-18-15. Vote: 10-19-15 to 10-25-15. c) proposal: 799: to nominate 3 forum managers and 1 “alternate”. Holly Hart and Frank Young were approved in April 2015 to finish terms December 31, 2015. Linda Cree of MI is willing to serve until 12-31-15. Discuss through 10-18-15. Vote: 10-19-15 to 10-25-15. d) proposal 800: Charles Sherrouse of PA willing to serve as “alternate” Forum Manager through 12-31-15.. Discuss through 10-18-15. Vote: 10-19-15 to 10-25-15; e) GPUS draft proposal regarding: standards of behavior for people interacting with the GPUS i.e. decorum. Draft is to go to the GPUS National Committee (i.e. all 7 GPUS co-chairpersons and the all state representatives to the GPUS. This body is to vote (in the near future) to accept or reject this draft. Attendee feedback: draft seemed reasonable. and f) new GPUS website is not user friendly.
5. a) EC proposal for discussion to SCC: about a possible first warning to Timothy McKee is up for discussion for this SCC per GPCT bylaws and procedures. b) a SCC proposal from all ten of the GPCT attendees at this SCC meeting was made. This proposal was placed in motion by S. Michael DeRosa, and seconded by Baird Welch-Collins so the motion carried. Consensus without blocking concerns was: to send Timothy McKee, GPCT member, a first warning via email and certified mail prior to the next GPCT SCC meeting. Rationale for this action: Mr. McKee has repeatedly shown inappropriate behavior over many months as witnessed by GPCT members and other people. That is, Mr. McKee has been in violation of GPCT standards of practice as indicated by GPCT Bylaws, policies, procedures and decorum for GPCT listservs, websites and Facebook. His inappropriate behavior was noted to be with GPCT members, other state Green Parties, the GPUS members and other organizations. His inappropriate behavior included but was not limited to: foul language, personal verbal derogatory remarks, consistently ignored the feelings of others, misrepresentation GPCT and GPUS positions, policies and procedures or votes of GPCT and/or the GPUS or gross ignorance of pertinent facts. He has engaged on numerous occasions in uncivil and obstreperous behavior at events and meetings. His actions have promoted a betrayal of trust in matters affecting GPCT.
Consensus without blocking concerns was to follow the GPCT bylaws, policies and procedures regarding enforcement of the GPCT rules. These rules include:
Enforcement of These Rules: Violations of the above rules has resulted in your first warning. If any violation continues, the subscriber (you) will not be allowed to post for three months. If subscriber (you) continues to violate the rules after the three months of probation, you will be removed as a subscriber permanently. Further, any GPCT member (you) who does not adhere to these standards in all GPCT activities, meetings, events or on listservs, personal e-mails, and in public statements may be censured by a majority vote of the GPCT SCC. If the inappropriate behavior continues after the censure, the member (you) can be banned from the GPCT listserv and all GPCT activities for a period of up to one year by a majority vote of the SCC where the censure proposal had been included in its agenda.
Summary: Attendees at the GPCT October 13, 2015 SCC meeting noted your recent and numerous inappropriate behaviors with the GPCT, GPUS and other organizations (as listed above). Such inappropriate behaviors led to your removal from GPUS listservs in the 2014 and 2015. You were also given warnings about inappropriate behavior on GPCT listservs in 2015. The GPCT advises Mr. McKee that if his inappropriate behavior persists, on GPCT listservs, personal e-mail, in public statements, at events or meetings, then Mr. McKee will not be able to post for three (3) months. Also, if his inappropriate behavior further persists in violation GPCT rules then his permanent removal will occur.
6. GPCT endorsed GPCT candidates for the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 elections are: Ben Holden, Canton Selectman (2 year term). Rolf Maurer, Stamford Board of Education: participated in his 2nd debate in North Stamford. Hector Lopez, New Canaan Constable. John Amarilios, New Canaan Constable. Leif Smith, Redding Constable. Ronna Stuller, New London City Council. Timothy Hanser, New London City Council. Mirna Martinez, (again cross-endorsed by the Republican Party) New London Board of Education. Jason Morris, New London Board of Education. Billy G. Collins, Waterford Board of Selectman. Kevin P. Kelly Waterford Board of Education. Baird Welch-Collins, Waterford RTM (Representative Town Meeting), District 2: Waterford is talking about their concerns(e.g. a more responsive budgets) to current office holders and writing letters to the local newspapers; Ronna Stuller has had Waterford candidates on her New London community TV and will air x 3. Deb Roselli Kelly, Waterford RTM (Representative Town Meeting), District 3. Joshua Steele Kelly, Waterford Zoning Board of Appeals, alternate 7. GPCT 2015 Candidate Support Committee: Volunteers sought for election day.
8. GPCT interactions with the ACLU of CT and Libertarian Party: SMD has been in contact with these groups regarding changing CT ballot access regulations to allow out-of-state US registered voters to carry and acquire petitions for federal offices. Discussed: GPCT willingness to be litigant.
9. 2015-2016 GPCT Legislative proposals: SMD: after the 11-3-15 election, GPCT members will meet with Susan Johnson, Deputy Speaker of the House is willing to meet/discuss CT public banking and our legislative proposals. 2015-2016 Proposals are: Ballot access; Common Core Curriculum reform; CT public banking; Decriminalization of cannabis; Conversion of military property/businesses to renewable energy sources; Demilitarization of law enforcement officials; Use of hemp. Parent, Child and Youth Rights i.e. Mental Health Reform in public schools. Promotions of municipal utility district (MUDs); Renewable energy. Farm to table food chain. Universal healthcare. BAB made a motion to change use of hemp to the industrial use of hemp. Motion was seconded by SMD and RM. Motion passed. Consensus without any blocking concerns to change motion legislative proposal to: industrial use of hemp.
NOTE: 6-15-15 SCC Consensus: Full composition of each present and future GPCT committee as proposed by the EC: one GPCT member per chapter. Additionally At-large representative(s) should come from under represented geographic areas of the GPCT e.g. CT counties of: Fairfield, New Haven, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex. Objective: to have fair mix of members from under represented areas and heavily represented areas of GPCT membership. 10. GPCT Budget Committee: Christopher Reilly: no report. Absent: Linda Thompson & Ronna Stuller 11. GPCT Conflict Resolution Committee: current volunteers: Linda Thompson, Norwich; Bud McAllister, New London and E. Larry Kern, Groton. Discussed need for GPCT members from the underrepresented parts of CT e.g. counties of: Fairfield, New Haven, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex and Tolland.
12. GPCT Fundraising Committee: Wednesday, 6:30PM October 21, 2015 fundraiser at Wheeler’s Restaurant, 180 Amity Rd, Woodbridge, CT 06525 Jeff Cordulack, the new Executive Director of CT NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association), is speaker. ML: working with chef on menu; recommend: $35 donation to cover food, coffee, taxes and tip and fundraising
13. GPCT Outreach Committee: EG: there are three UCONN groups of democrats; there is a New UCONN Political Review forming. Await its initial publication. Jill Stein to speak at an unknown date at UCONN. SMD: need a University of Hartford GPCT chapter. No other reports.
14. GPUS 2016 presidential candidates: a) Jill Stein: 9-24-15 Tavis Smiley interview is on NPR website. b) William “Bill” Kremlauthor of books on Political Science and Philosophy talks about his past political experience running for office and how that lead him to the Green Party and this Presidential Campaign, c) Darryl Cherney, d) Kent Mesplay, and e) Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza Curry. f) GPCT Petition School: need locus of control. Consensus: BAB may hole the current locus of control. CR: need to find out where we can and where we cannot petition as it varies from place to place whether at shopping centers for with chains of the same corporate business or campuses.. How to authenticate petitions of the petition holder are on back of all petition forms; we need a list of people to authenticate; consider paying petitioners in January 2016; consider mailing petitions to GPCT members who may which to be petition holders; remind petition holders to make photocopies of petitions after they are authenticated. Reason: to be able for GPCT to challenge if needed. Need 7500 valid petition signatures for president (and US senate) so goal is for 15,000 signatures. g) Consensus without blocking concerns: selected the following GPCT members to be our seven (7) electors for the 2016 presidential election: Cora Santaguida, Emily Garfinkel, Mary Lawrence, Christopher Reilly, Allan Brison and S. Michael DeRosa. h) GPCT secretary to send to the CT SOTS office in December 2015 so SOTS has it so GPCT presidential (and US Senate) petitions may be made by the SOTS in early January 2016. (1st business day is: January 4, 2016). i) GPCT members may go onto the GPUS website to promote one or more presidential candidate(s). j) need stand-in candidates for presidential petition e.g. Jill Stein for president; Howie Hawkins for VP & Jeff Russell= U.S. Senate? SMD to clarify with these people.
15. Updates from our representatives from each (GPUS) Standing Committee
Ballot Access (BA): help state GPs gaining ballot access: SMD: see above. Jeff Russell was absent.
Bylaws, Rules, Polices Procedure(BRPP): for GPUS officers/national committees: absent: AVN & JSK
Diversity (DC): strategies/actions to urge/maximize diversity within the GPUS: EG: no activity.
Green National Committee (NC): The Green National Committee is the highest decision-making body of the Green Party of the United States. Membership consists of all voting delegates from state GPs and caucuses. GPCT NC representatives: Joshua Steele Kelly, S. Michael DeRosa and Linda Thompson. (See item#4 of this agenda.) International Committee (IC): promotes GPUS positions re: world issues: SMD: no meetings. Joshua Steele Kelly and Justin McCabe were absent.
Merchandizing Committee (MERCH): determines/acquires items for the GPUS: Rolf Maurer: Barnes & Noble stores are promoting “Maker Days” and my local library is promoting workshops about 3-D technology. So RM will try to promote GPCT merchandise at these places..
Outreach (OC): interacts with other groups who may have similar interests of the GPUS: EG: gets emails about telephonic meetings. But so far, she has not been able to attend. Absent: Linda Thompson. Peace (GPAX): discusses/develops strategies of how the GPUS may promote peace throughout the world: Baird Welch-Collins: no activity. Platform (PC): promotes positions of the GPUS which are consistent with GP 10 Key Values: absent: Joshua Steele Kelly, Amy Vas Nunes and Justine McCabe Presidential Campaign Support Committee(PCSC): support presidential candidates: absent: TMcK
Current standing committees which are inactive or without any GPCT representatives are:
Accreditation (AC): reviews state chapter which petitions to join the GPUS; reviews criteria for state delegates to GPUS annual meetings and conventions; Annual National Meeting (ANMC): working on the 2016 GPUS Annual Meeting; Black Caucus; Coordinated Campaign Committee: (CCC): is a standing committee of the GPUS that cooperates with state and local chapters in the support of federal, state, and local Green Party electoral campaigns through a variety of different programs and support functions; Credentials Committee (CredCom): The general charge of the Credentials Committee is to facilitate the credentialing of delegates to the Presidential Nominating Convention of the GPUS; Dispute Resolution (DRC): mediation of any disputes within the GPUS organization; Eco Action (EA): develop strategies for the GPUS regarding ecological matters; Finance (Fincom): determine how to spend the GPUS money; Fundraising (FC): raises money for the GPUS; Green Party of the US internet news: acquire and write articles for the GPUS website; Latino Caucus; Lavender Caucus; Media Committee (MC): writes GPUS press releases; National Women’s Caucus; Young Greens of the US: engage youth in Green issues and give members a voice within the GPUS. Membership is open to US youths age 14-35 who identify as Green, support the GPUS 10 Key Values and generally agree with the GPUS platform and missions. Co-chairperson: JSK
Also as needed: Voting Page; Delegate Apportionment (DAC); Green House Campaign Committee (GHCC): support and webinars for Green candidates for U.S. Congressional House of Representatives. Green Senatorial Campaign Committee (GSCC): support/webinars for U.S. Senate candidate. GPUS Steering Committee (SC): Co-chairs: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.– VA; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.– CO; Bahram Zandi -- MD; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – NE; Sandra Everette -- CA; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – VA; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – NY. Treasurer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.– HI. Secretary: Jan Martell --NC.
16. Algonquin Pipeline: deferred due to absence of Tim McKee, GPCT liaison with organizations opposing the expansion of the Algonquin Pipeline. a) October 14, 2015 noon at State House Square in Hartford for a protest regarding opposition to fracked gas and this pipeline and support for renewable energy sources. Sponsors: 350CT, Sierra Club of CT. b) ML: “This Changes Everything” rally at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT on 10-20-15 with Naomi Klein.
17. Events of possible interest to the GPCT: a) future events: Bioneers Conference: October 23-24, 2015 in New Bedford, MA. This is a leading-edge forum where you can see tomorrow today: a future environment of hope. Social and scientific innovators focus on breakthrough solutions inspired by nature and human ingenuity. These visionaries are already creating the healthy diverse, equitable and beautiful world we want to live in—our legacy for future generations and the web of life on which our lives depend. You can connect with hundreds or thousands of engaged folks making a real difference. In 2015, more than 15,00 people attended our main Bioneers Conference in San Rafael, CA and 20 local Beaming Bioneers satellite conferences across the country. Bioneers fosters connection, cross-pollination and collaboration by bringing together diverse people and projects. We link strategic networks at the local, regional, national and international levels. b) The Future of Left/Independent Electoral Action in the United States Conference: unknown date. c) ML: Diane Urbane, CT House Rep from Stonington supports Animal Rights. FYI: as of 1-1-16 animal cruelty and/or animal abuse will be considered a felony. So all 50 states and the F.B.I. will be tracking any reports of actions. is a website where people who are themselves abused or need shelter can go to with their pets. Some people do not go to shelters because most shelters to not take animals. CT does not have a SafeHaven site. SMD placed in motion: to forward the GPCT ARC (Animal Rights Committee) proposal to the GPUS. Motion was seconded by BAB. Consensus: send GPCT ARC proposal to GPUS for their review.
18. GPCT chapter reports: Fairfield: DB: is trying to organize a forum about socialism in New Britain. Greater Hartford: BAB: 9-29-15 meeting: worked on 10-21-15 fundraiser; SMD interested in being candidate for 1st Congressional District ballot line. CR: give citizens voting rights. Many states do not allow: prisoners, felons, immigrants voting rights. BAB: CT felons do have the right to vote…once they successfully complete parole. However, some parole officers are unaware of this or do not follow this procedure. Discussed: a GPCT fundraiser in November or January. SMD: seeking support from CT Rep, Ed Vargus, Hartford and from Deputy Speaker of the House, Susan Johnson for our 2015-2016 legislative proposals. CT taxpayers pay for the primaries of the Democratic and Republican parties but not the GPCT.
19. Next SCC meeting: Tuesday, November 17, 2015. Time: social at 6PM, meeting starts at 6:30PM. Place: to be determined.
GREEN PARTY TEN KEY VALUES: non-violence, respect for diversity, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, decentralization, community-based economics and economic justice, future focus and sustainability, personal and global responsibility, feminism and gender equality. Submitted by Barbara Barry, GPCT secretary for the GPCT EC: Linda Thompson, S. Michael DeRosa, Rolf Maurer and Christopher Reilly.