Approved Minutes of the GPCT July 13, 2016, SCC meeting. Quorum met.
Started at 6:50 PM and adjourned 9:00 PM. Location: Portland Waverly Center, 7 Waverly Avenue, Portland, CT
GPCT chapter attendees: Fairfield County: Rolf Maurer, Cora Santaguida, Hector Lopez, David Bedell, GPCT Secretary. Greater Hartford: S. Michael DeRosa, GPCT co-chair, Barbara Barry, GPCT co-chair, Christopher Reilly, GPCT treasurer, Mary Lawrence, Martha Kelly. New London: Ronna Stuller, Larry Kern. Waterford: Baird Welch-Collins, Lauren Shaw, Matt Tytla. Facilitator: S. Michael DeRosa
1. Consensus without any blocking concerns to approve: minutes of the 6-16-16 State Central Committee (SCC) meeting.
2. GPCT chapter reports:
- Greater Hartford: Nominating convention for US Congress 1st District and CT Senate 1st District will be 8-3-16, 6:00 at Wethersfield Town Hall, Room 104.
- Fairfield: Public screening and discussion of Brazil Sunday, 7-17-16, at Stamford Ferguson Library. Two petitioners have been hired to collect signatures for Jill Stein in Stamford.
- Waterford: Chapter meeting Monday. Lauren Shaw is petitioning to qualify for the Citizen Election Fund. Trash cleanup planned for Friday 7-29-16. Fundraising concert in August.
- New London: Organized “Green mothers” playgroup for kids. Starting a regular Green Drinks event. Hope to run a candidate for State Rep District 39 (two way race against a Democrat).
3. Treasurer's report from Christopher Reilly: GPCT balance: $252.20; FEC balance: $2,042.50.
4. Reports from our representatives to the GPUS National Committee: Plans for Houston convention; nominations for party officers; proposal passed for a GPUS ecosocialist economic policy.
5. GPUS August 4-7, 2016 Nominating Convention in Houston, TX. Martha Kelly can travel to Houston. Unanimous consensus to let Martha carry proxy votes for our CT delegates who are unable to attend.
6. Update of the2016 presidential petitioning. Jill Stein will speak 7-21-16 in New London/Waterford, then in Stamford. Petitioners will be recruited and equipped at these events. Regional coordinators will be appointed to collect petitions from circulators in different parts of the state: Ronna Stuller, Mike DeRosa, Rolf Maurer, David Bedell.
7. Proposals from Fairfield and New London chapters were discussed but withdrawn for further revision, to be introduced at a future SCC meeting.
Next meeting on Thursday, August 11 [changed to Tuesday, August 16 due to venue availability]