Green Party of Connecticut Executive Committee
Telephonic meeting • Monday, January 15, 2018, 7pm
In attendance: Mike DeRosa, Emily Garfinkel, Chris Reilly, Ronna Stuller (recorder), Baird Welch-Collins.
Start time 7:01pm.
1. Draft agenda for the January 25 SCC meeting was discussed, and the approved proposed agenda is attached below.
2. It was agreed that Annual Meeting planning should be discussed at our SCC meeting rather than by EC only; initial discussion, including possible creation of a planning committee, will be included on the agenda.
3. The challenges to making amendments or revisions to the Bylaws were discussed at length; the procedure will be reviewed at the SCC meeting, and discussion will continue about whether and/or how to proceed. There was a general consensus that “housekeeping” items would be the priority for any review of the Bylaws.
4. Emily volunteered to facilitate the January 25 SCC meeting.
End time 7:50pm.