November 17, 2009

Tim McKee, CT Green Party spokesperson and National Committee member, (860) 778-1304, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Green Party of Connecticut officials announced today that they would welcome Ralph Nader into the 2010 race for U.S. Senate and think he would have a good chance to win against current Senator Dodd.

"Since the media reports began in local and national web sites last week, we have seen hundreds of responses urging him to run," said Green Party spokesperson Tim McKee. He added "With Dodd losing in many polls to the Republicans who have announced, we think Nader could be a clear choice to many who have lost faith in Dodd and his scandals with the banking and financial industries. To win, Nader would have to raise $3-5 million, which he has done easily in past campaigns, and build an army of hundreds of volunteers for the race."

State Co-Chair Steve Fournier said, "We have worked well with Nader and he knows the local Greens very well. We are very excited and can supply him with many workers if he chooses to run."

Mike DeRosa, also a State Co-Chair said, "Nader is America’s Public Citizen Number 1! We just want to know when to start gathering the signatures for the petitions."

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