April 28, 2008
Tim McKee, CT Green Party National Committee Representative, (860) 778-1304 (cell) or (860) 643-2282
Mike DeRosa, State Co-Chair, (860) 956-8170 or (860) 919-4042 (cell)
NEW HAVEN, CT—Former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney won the majority of votes cast for the Presidential nomination at the Green Party of Connecticut's annual convention on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at the Greater New Haven Central Labor Council, New Haven, CT.
CT Green Party members voted for a Presidential candidate, and delegates to the Green National Convention in Chicago July 10-13th will be apportioned according to the vote.
Candidates for President under the Green Party banner include:
- Cynthia McKinney, former Democratic Congresswoman from Georgia -
- Jesse Johnson, activist and actor from West Virgina -
- Kent Mesplay, air quality scientist from Los Angeles, California -
- Kat Swift, Green activist from Texas -
McKinney had 33 votes, Swift 3 votes, Johnson 2 votes, and Mesplay 2 votes. Those votes will be divided among the delegates to the convention. Write-in votes included 6 for Independent candidate and native son Ralph Nader and one each for several others.
Also speaking at the event was were candidates for U.S. Representative, 1st Congressional District: Stephen Fournier of Hartford (, 2nd Congressional District: Scott Deshefy of Lebanon (, and 4th Congressional District: Richard Duffee of Stamford (
Also running but not in attendance is a candidate for U.S. Representative, 5th Congressional District: Harold Burbank (
The Convention also elected State Party officers as well as National Committee representatives. Elected as Co-Chairs were Mike Derosa, Steve Fournier and Phoebe Godfrey. Elected to the Green National Committee were Charles Pillsbury, Richard Duffee, Tim McKee, Michael DeRosa and Steve Fournier.
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