News Release - For Immediate Release - April 28, 2012
CONTACT: Tim McKee, CT Volunteers for Stein for President (860) 778-1304
Mike DeRosa- State Co Chair-860-919-4042
To schedule interviews, contact Gloria Mattera at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 917-886-4538.
Portland, CT- The Green Party of Connecticut voted for Dr. Jill Stein to be their Presidential candidate at their state party convention on Saturday, April 28, in Portland, CT. Running against comedienne-actress Rosanne Barr for the nomination, Stein, a Harvard educated medical doctor, received 80% of the vote with the remaining 20% voting for uncommitted delegates.
Tim McKee, a National Committee member of the Green Party, said "Dr. Stein has now won all twelve primaries and state conventions of the Green Party. Her message of a Green New Deal, a single-payer health care system, and supporting the Occupy movement is resonating strongly in Connecticut. We will send our delegates to the Green Party National Presidential Convention in Baltimore, Maryland, on July 12-15."
McKee added, "With home state favorite and past Green Party nominee Ralph Nader not running, we think we can gather a lot of votes with Dr. Stein locally, and across the nation." He explained, "One percent of the state vote ensures a ballot line for the party, but 5% nationally will win us millions of dollars in matching funds for the future and we think that is really possible in 2012."