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Candidates for Constable, Stamford 2007

What is a Constable? In Connecticut, a Constable has the same duties, within the boundaries of a town, as a State Marshal:  serving legal papers to the people named in a lawsuit. (This role was also fulfilled by County Sheriffs until that office was abolished in 2000.)

     David Bedell

A resident of Stamford since 2001, David has worked as a teacher and is currently director of educational programs for a public health philanthropy. He is secretary of the Fairfield County Green Party chapter and serves on the advisory board of Teachers Against Prejudice.


     Mary Farrell

A resident of Stamford since 1994, Mary has worked as an event planner and receptionist at a number of local businesses and has volunteered with Friends of the Ferguson Library, Literacy Volunteers of America, and the Historic Neighborhood Preservation Program. She does all her commuting by bicycle, bus, or foot.


If elected, David and Mary promise:

  • Reliable and efficient process service throughout Stamford:
    - Writs
    - Subpoenas
    - Summons and Complaints
    - Delinquent Child Support Payments
  • Four-season delivery by bicycle—clean, quiet, and unthreatening
  • No firearms carried or needed

Greenwich has a Bicycle Master Plan and a Safe Routes to School program. Stamford needs these too, since 10% of Stamford households have no car.

David writes about public safety in The Stamford Independent.

SWRPA Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning
South West Region Environmental Justice Assessment
Connecticut Transportation Strategy Board report
Connecticut Bicycle Coalition
Stamford Area Bike Shops
CT Transit Routes & Schedules

This campaign is dedicated to the memory of David's classmate Ken Kifer (1945-2003).