Donate to Horton Sheff 2001
Vote Green for a democratic Hartford.

Building a Better Hartford: Elizabeth Horton Sheff

Elizabeth Horton Sheff meets with volunteers at the Green Party office on New Britain Ave. in Hartford.
Elizabeth Horton Sheff was elected to the City Council as a Green in 1999. Noted for her work fighting to desegregate Hartford's schools, Elizabeth has been a vigilant social justice and environmental activist all her life.

Since being elected in 1999, Elizabeth Horton Sheff has already made a difference in Hartford.  Committed to citizen involvement and citizen empowerment, Elizabeth has helped lead the way on the most important issues facing Hartford and Connecticut.

The key to success, she says, "is the ability to see the needs of regular people as coming before the interests of big money."

Elizabeth Horton Sheff and the Green Party have a vision for a more democratic and vibrant Hartford in the next 2 years.  Join us.  Vote Elizabeth in 2001!

Hartford Firefighters Association Local 760 AFL-CIO
The Greater Hartford Labor Council
Hartford Federation of Teachers AFT Local 1018

Elizabeth Horton Sheff
The Voice of the People.

Paid for by Horton Sheff 2001, Joyce Tentor, Treasurer.   Donations are not tax deductible.  1st Amendment Protected.
Mail: PO BOX 231214 Hartford, CT 06123 1(888) 877-8607 |  Office: 418A New Britain Ave.  (860) 524-9448