
S. Michael De Rosa

Office: State Senator, 1st District
(Hartford & Wethersfield)

Office: State Senator
District: 1st District (Hartford & Wethersfield)
Candidate Profile: Mike De Rosa earned a B.A. in History from the University of Connecticut. He also attended Southern Connecticut State University and has taken a significant number of post-graduate courses. Mike has worked for the Domestic Peace Corps (VISTA) in Camden, NJ and he has 3 years of experience as an elementary school teacher for New Haven Public Schools. Currently, he is a Computer Network Specialist.

Mike is the host, producer and researcher for New Focus, a weekly news radio program on WWUH (91.3 FM) and WHUS (91.7 FM). Mike has done many important stories on nuclear power, utilities and other issues impacting the citizens and people of the Greater Hartford area. Mike is a member of Hartford City Councilwoman Elizabeth Horton Sheff's Advisory Council and he served as Campaign Manager for her successful 1999 campaign.
He is a founding member of the Connecticut Green Party and is a member of the Connecticut Green Party Steering Committee. He is also the editor of Connecticut Green Times. In his spare time, Mike is an avid photographer and painter. He is married to Barbara Barry who is a registered nurse. They reside in Wethersfield, CT.
Mike is committed to grassroots citizen participation.

The defining theme of Mike's campaign is "fighting for people and change."
Opponents: John Fonfara (Democrat)
Number of signatures needed to get on the ballot: 97
Campaign Website:
Contact Info:
smderosa@erols.com or 860-956-8170

Our Other Candidates:

Ralph Nader - President of The United States
Winona LaDuke - Vice President of The United States
Audrey Cole - U.S. House of Representatives
Timothy Bowles - Connecticut Senate
Thomas Sevigny - Connecticut Representative
Thomas Ethier - Connecticut Representative
Louis Anthony Santini, Jr. - Connecticut Representative
Paul Bassler - Connecticut Representative

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