
Louis Anthony "Tony" Santini, Jr.

Office: State Representative, 92nd District
(New Haven - West side)

Candidate Profile: Tony Santini, 35, was born in Bridgeport, CT. He earned a B.S. in Biochemistry and a B.A. in German from Southern Connecticut State University where he was President of the SCSU Environmental Futurists. Tony is active on the condominium board of Presidio Commons (in Westville) and is an active member of the Connecticut Green Party. Tony earns his living as a Computer Operator and is a member of the Communications Workers of America.
"I first fell in love with New Haven as a young adult when I came to the city for downtown nightlife, and came to call New Haven home when I moved to Westville in 1991 while I was attending college."
Opponents: Pat Dillon (D - incumbent), Dino Cortina (R)
Campaign Website:

Our Other Candidates:

Ralph Nader - President of The United States
Winona LaDuke - Vice President of The United States
Audrey Cole - U.S. House of Representatives
Mike DeRosa - Connecticut Senate
Timothy Bowles - Connecticut Senate
Thomas Sevigny - Connecticut Representative
Thomas Ethier - Connecticut Representative
Paul Bassler - Connecticut Representative

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